CLOSED POLL: 2.0 Advanced Competition 146 - FINAL (W: GPR)

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm

THEME: Muscle Cars vs Import Tuners

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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can't kick this feeling
Staff Emeritus

Further explanation of the theme, provided by winner NBDESIGNZ:

"Chose a side and take any road car and location you want as long as the picture shows the raw power of US muscle cars or the high tuned import cars from Japan."

CARS: Any American car OR any Japanese car
UNIQUE RESTRICTIONS: User must choose one side to represent.


Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow
the rules may result in disqualification. If you have questions, send me a Private Message.
This Thread will answer many possible questions you may have.

  • Do not vote for your own entry.
  • Do not try to sway the poll.
  • In the event of a tie, a 24 hour poll is created.
  • In the event of a second tie or a tie in the final H2H poll, Judge's vote is the deciding factor.
  • Please, view each image in it's full size, before voting.
  • Poll consists of the Judge's favourite 15 images. For H2H weeks, 8 per poll.

Well I'm pretty happy to have just made this final poll. But I get the feeling Jaden shot is going to take the win on this one.
GPR's photo gets my vote. It is amazing how he managed to get the image bright enough when taken from the High Speed Ring tunnel.
Amazing shots! I voted for Jaden's because it was my favourite in the Japanese side already.

Great work guys! 2 outstanding pictures. 👍
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GPR's photo gets my vote. It is amazing how he managed to get the image bright enough when taken from the High Speed Ring tunnel.

He got my vote too.

Thanks guys. 👍

I've usually fail at getting good tunnel shots there precisely because of the darkness. But this time it seemed to come together. What helped was I paused when the car was in the casting area of one of the lights and I switched filters to something else then back to normal which gets rid of the vignette GT adds so it made it a little brighter.

Pretty close poll. :crazy: But Jaden is still just in front. :nervous:
I love both pic, I've choosen George's one because of its mood. I've not make a choice on the previous poll of this comp because I was totally unable to choose... This comp is really full of beautiful pic, DarkR one was also splendid. Great job everyone ! 👍
Well... Nicolas's vote counts for 2 the moment George is the winner xD
I guess you guys get to split the 1 Cr. prize. Spend it wisely or... I have an idea, you have to record yourselves eating 10 hotdogs and a burrito, run 200m and write a 2000 word poem on why standard cars are such a pain to us at the Photomode forums. The first one to finish gets the win and the whole 1 Cr.
Oh my word, what a battle! Big congrats to you too Jaden. :tup;

I forgot about the judges vote thing. So big thanks to NB also. 👍

And if course a huge thanks to everyone that voted for my entry. :cheers:
Congratulations to you George, your photo put up a really good fight and it's a really nice one too. Never knew about the judges' vote though, guess you learn something new everyday. :P
Cheers, Ciro, Jeremy, Jaden and Nicolas. :cheers:

@Jaden: Like I said before I totally forgot about the Judges vote thing. I was thinking it would go to a vote count back and that would have mean't a win for you. ;)

Thanks again everyone. I've just sent next weeks theme to Slipz, hope you guys will enjoy it. :)
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