Hi guys ! I hope the poll didn't came too late as I was away for the weekend, visiting family in Paris.
I must say being judge is fun but it's also a tough job.
I've collected 53 entries this week and there were only 20 spots in the poll so you can imagine that I had a hard time deciding.
Some of you didn't make it and I'm truly sorry for that.
I mainly looked for scenes that are likely to happen during the holidays. And for beautiful photography of course.
If you didn't make it, I can explain my choices if you want my opinion.
Good luck to all those who made it and for the others, there's always next week ! 👍
I wouldn't mind some constructive criticism about why
my shot didn't make it.
Hi SlipZ. I liked your shot a lot, it's nicely done as often but like bmxmitch said, the Zonda seemed a little bit too exotic for this theme. Going in holidays in a Zonda seems a bit unpractical for me^^
Damn, I only made PMC, I must of sucked this week.
Despite a good choice of car, you didn't make it cause I couldn't see any scenery in your shot and that was something I was looking for.
I guess my Jag was not as good as I thought. Critique?
Like I said, I was expecting to see some tourist assets of the locations you picked. In your shot, we can only see a street. There's so much more to see in Rome ! The composition is great though
and I love the E-Type
@MetalBeerSolid : I liked your shot but it didn't really fit the theme IMO. It felt too dark. It could have been an entry for last week theme 👍
@ ashes619 : I can tell you that you almost made it. It was really a tough job to pick a Top 20. I liked your composition, but eventually I thought the Ruf/Porsche was a little too much for this theme.
@ jgda9rs : Great shot, I liked the colors but the Kubelwagen... It's not the first thing that comes to mind when I'm thinking holidays.
@ f1webberfan : I wanted to see stock cars only and the 380RS was just too much.
Feel free to comment and if others want my opinion, don't hesitate to ask