CLOSED: POLL: CCCL Competition: Week 20 - Winner: bmxmitch

  • Thread starter atlop

Theme: Someone had to do it

  • [URL=""][IMG]http://i108

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL=""][IMG]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL=""][IMG]http://farm7.static.flic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL="

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=][img]http://farm7.static.f

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Further explanation of the theme, as chosen by Grand Prix:

"When I first saw this thing in GT5's promotional shots, I thought it was totally hilarious.
What is an amphibious vehicle doing in a driving simulator? To swim on Trial Mountain's lake?
Show me the best shot you can get of it, on an awesome dirt track in Toscana's hills.
You can go the comedy route if you prefer.

Someone had to do it! "

CAR: Volkswagen Schwimmwagen
LOCATION: Toscana Dirt


Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow the rules may result in
disqualification. If you have any questions, please, send me a Private Message.

This Thread has everything you need to know.

  • Be reminded that only the best 20 entries will get through each poll.
  • Do not vote on your entry.
  • Do not try to sway the poll.
  • In the event of a tie, a 24 hour poll is created.
  • In the event of a second tie, Judge's vote is the deciding factor.
  • Please, view each image in it's full size, before voting.

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These were all very good entries. Unfortunately we never got to 20, but that made my job somewhat easier I'll admit. :lol:

Great to see so many flying Schwimms! :lol: 👍
I can't understand why there weren't more entries - this was a fun theme. :boggled:
this car costs 800 000 ? -_- maybe some didn´t bought it for the seasonal event so they didn´t bother to buy it just for 1 picture ...
38 votes???

Why is everyone voting in the PMC and 2.0 comp, but not here and in the Secret Santa Comp? Don't get it....

But thanks so much for all the votes so far...:)
I don't participate or vote in CCCL comps, but I have to say, the 6th, 10th, 11th, 15th, 17th and 18th pictures are mind boggling. Very well done to all of them 👍 but some of those pics don't have signatures so I don't know who the artists are.
It was actually quite hard to choose this one, so many good entries:tup:
I don't participate or vote in CCCL comps, but I have to say, the 6th, 10th, 11th, 15th, 17th and 18th pictures are mind boggling. Very well done to all of them 👍 but some of those pics don't have signatures so I don't know who the artists are.

I see you have voted this time 👍

You don't have to enter a comp to be able to vote in the poll. I get that not everyone has the time to create entries for all the comps so just stick to the main two or just whichever one has a theme that appeals to them, but voting is (usually) quick and easy. Though lately as everyone has stepped up their game it's getting harder and harder to pick a favourite.
I'm sure everyone checks out the polls to see all the great photos - how hard is it to click on one of the check boxes while you're there. :)

OK - rant over. :D
Thanks so much for all the votes guys and girls!:bowdown:

Aaand, whoever guesses my car choice for the next CCCL week, gets it for free! I'm sure someone will know it in an instant.:D

but better hurry guys, I know Nato is a fast one when it comes to open a new weeks competition ;)
Stunning results – great entries!
Congrats to BMXmitch for that outstanding photography.
Unfortunately I was on vacation and couldn't be part of it...
Looking forward to the next theme!
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