CLOSED: POLL: Secret Santa Competition Week 20 - Winner - bmxmitch

  • Thread starter Nato_777


  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Moderately Super
New Zealand
Kaikoura, NZ


Further explaination of the theme from Nato_777.

"The ageless battle of good and evil rages - I want to see your 'saintly white' or 'beastly black'
beauties. Choose your allegance - good or evil! Some creative license in the interpretation of
the theme within the image and/or in the cars' 'behavour' is permittted - even encouraged ;).
Multiple cars are allowed in shot but they must all be white or all be black.
Please note that I'm not looking for B&W photos and would prefer colour. :)

Cars: Any - must be either white or black
Locations: Any.
Phototravel: Sure, go ahead.
Unique Restrictions: Car(s) must be white or black.


Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow
the rules may result in disqualification. If you have questions, send me a Private Message.

This Thread will answer many possible questions you may have.

  • Be reminded that only the Judges favorite 8 entries will get through to each poll.
  • Do not vote on your entry.
  • Do not try to sway the poll.
  • Do not reveal or hint at the identity of any entries
  • In the event of a tie, a 24 hour poll is created.
  • In the event of a second tie, Judge's vote is the deciding factor.
  • Please, view each image in it's full size, before voting.
  • If you didn't make the poll you are encouraged to post your entry in this thread so
    everyone gets to see all the entries.

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It's the final showdown: Will good triumph over evil or will evil conquer all.
Both photos represent the theme very well and they make a terrific match 👍
Now, it's the first time my mouse finger feels paralysed due to voting.
I think I have to sleep about it …
Both shots are outstanidng. I did vote for good, but both are worthy. It was the toughest decision to date. Good luck to both.
Wow, that was some battle! And the forces of good have triumphed over evil but not without a fierce fight. :)

The victor is bmxmitch - congratulations! 👍
And well done to Boabdulrahman - winner of the evil poll and final poll contender.

Actually well done to everyone - you did me proud. :)
Here are all the entrants to the polls (Good & Evil)

  • Klaus_PSU
  • bmxmitch
  • Fido_le_muet
  • gt-detective
  • rpanico14
  • zambuca
  • Billy2224


  • TheDrummingKing
  • nismo33
  • Boabdulrahman
  • CCShaft7
  • StoneyNUFC
  • Ariesps
  • JediRage
  • Ashes619
Congrats to bmxmitch a great photo that goes with the theme in an excellent way
As you can see i'm a noob when it comes to cleaning jaggies
I removed most of them but they were alot because i took the photo while it was raining so there were alot of jaggies
And thanks for everyone who voted for me including bmxmitch who even in the voting followed the theme by voting for his rival LoL =p
:D Thanks alot everyone.

Glad the good side wins again, hehe. And yes, of course I vote for your pic Boabdulrahman....I'm the good one!:sly:
jk, I think if you would've fixed those jaggies a bit more or better, you would've won this round. Great pic:tup:

Now I need to think of a new theme. No idea right now....:indiff:
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