CLOSED: POLL: Secret Santa Competition: Week 39 - Winner - Aragam

  • Thread starter Nato_777

Black is Beautiful

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Moderately Super
New Zealand
Kaikoura, NZ

Further explaination of the theme from bmxmitch.

"It's the color I paint most of my cars. Pretty much every car looks good in black. So, I want you
to show me your favorite black car in your garage. That simple. :)"

Cars: Any.
Locations: Any.
Phototravel: Yes.
Unique Restrictions: If it looks a bit mean or mad, you're good.


Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow
the rules may result in disqualification. If you have questions, send me a Private Message.

This Thread will answer many possible questions you may have.

  • Be reminded that only the Judges favorite 15 entries will get through to each poll.
  • Do not vote on your entry.
  • Do not try to sway the poll.
  • Do not reveal or hint at the identity of any entries
  • In the event of a tie, a 24 hour poll is created.
  • In the event of a second tie, Judge's vote is the deciding factor.
  • Please, view each image in it's full size, before voting.
  • If you didn't make the poll you are encouraged to post your entry in this thread so
    everyone gets to see all the entries.
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Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. My guess would be that it is too dark.
Feedback please.

Love the sense of motion, not crazy about the filter use. Miniature is better left to subjects farther from the camera. It does do good things for the colours though. It would also help to use the rule of thirds - ie. the subject is not centered but on the lines that would divide the photo into thirds. All that said, I like the feel you created - good job.

opinions and advices on this one?
I like it a lot. The car could be a little farther from the edges, but that's nit picking. My guess is that it didn't nail the theme quite as well as some others.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. My guess would be that it is too dark.

I am of the same opinion - too dark. I can see what you were trying to do though. Good idea.
Love the sense of motion, not crazy about the filter use. Miniature is better left to subjects farther from the camera. It does do good things for the colours though. It would also help to use the rule of thirds - ie. the subject is not centered but on the lines that would divide the photo into thirds. All that said, I like the feel you created - good job.

Um, I see. It makes some good months that I don't take pictures on GT5 and take part on those contests, so I'm getting used to all this again.
Thanks for the criticism!
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My entry would have probably made the poll if bmxmitch did not have an issue viewing the enlarged photo.

Feedback would be highly appreciated, cheers!

Secret Santa Week 39 Entry by Sean Welland, on Flickr

Before i start, ive only recetnly joined GTPlanet, but i have been taking photo's on GT5 for over a year now so im not a complete retard.
I dont...mind, your photo...maybe change your car to something more sleek and defintly change the colour...the black R34 makes it look dull, the background (the roads and stuff) look pretty real, but i find the car lets it down...try again, but change to a brighter colour and a sleeker car (F430 or something) doesnt have to be fast, just sleek.
Not everyone may agree, but thats my opinion.
I would ask for feedback but my ps3 won't let me use photobucket so I'll be back later. Stupid v4.11...
As you already guessed it, I thought it was way too dark. It could've been a red car too, or green, or blue...... You know where I'm going right?:sly:

The miniature filter totally killed it for me. Without it, you would've got pretty high chances of making it, but not like this. The roof of the car for example looks totally unsharp, while the rest isn't.
Just that one advice for the future, if you use the miniature filter again, try to only use it when you zoomed out pretty far. ;)

after seeing it again now, I think I should've included yours too. It really fits what I was looking for this week. Theres nothing wrong with it and it looks nice and realistic.
Maybe the angle is a bit too high. Something didn't catched my eye in it. Thats the only thing I can point at right now...

Way too dark for my taste. I tried to explain it again in the thread. I was looking for your favorite black car, not black pic.
This could've had every colour. I just cant see it....

Really a nice pic, but I missed the theme in it. I'm not sure, but the car looks more blue than black and it doesn't focus on its colour, more on the headlights than anything else.

It worked before I chose my Top15, so you didn't made it because I couldn't see it.:indiff:
The fact was, the car felt too slammed in the pic. It hasn't any space to its left right or wherever. I just don't like that so much. It feels like the picture doesn't have room to develop itself. Sounds stupid, but thats a big thing in photography, at least for me.
Also, I don't like the floor of this area! I always try to avoid it when I shoot there. It just distracts from the realism part....:ill:

Way too late (you should've sent it to me yesterday) and not fittin for the theme. The car doesn't look black at all.
But the shot is nice. ;)

Actually, yours was one of the few dark shots I barely included. I can see that this is a black car and the colours work nice in your shot.
Only thing I would've changed (and it would've made it afterwards), zoom more to the car and make the shot a bit brighter!
Nothing really more I can tell you....
I also liked your car choice here. Fits better to the track than any Ferrari, etc. ;)

As so many others, it was just too dark. It doesn't show that much of the black car, so..... :/

Before someone says anything, I know I included some dark pictures to the poll. But thats mainly because I ran out of brighter pics I liked and some of them are very unique and deserved a spot up there this time. Even though not all focus on the black car THAT much.
And forgive me if my choice aren't to your tastes. I had a lot of choosing yesterday and my brain nearly exploded! :P

Btw, my inbox was to 100% full of Entries this week! You guys really made me a hard sunday evening:lol:👍
But I liked how many people entered for my theme and its great to see the SSC is a big, great competition now too! From where we started a few weeks....month? back ;)👍
My entry would have probably made the poll if bmxmitch did not have an issue viewing the enlarged photo.

Would've my vote as well if the car is not out of the focus. And in the poll, yes.

This is amazing, you would've had my vote for sure.

Feedback please ?​

Love this one too! To me, it's a little bit too dark. Just a little.
Both entries are amazing IMO, Better luck next time.

Feedback please ?​

Agree if it was lighter and symmetrical in the frame it would have been an amazing shot!
Really like the green and red against the black too 👍

Any Comment please? Too bright maybe??

The car don't look black imo.
Thanks to the cool filter.
Though it's really, really a nice and evil shoot!
I see that winning if it's in the poll. 👍
It's not Black :odd:

The car is using the orignal black from the Gran Turismo. Maybe the cool filter make it look like silver/gun metal color. Anyway, thanks for the comment. It must be not black enough. 👍
A Fiat 500 is neither mean or mad even in black, Getting slightly bothered by being left out of so many polls since saying about certain people tend to take precedence, But hey its a SS so I'll wait yet again to make judgement.
A Fiat 500 is neither mean or mad even in black, Getting slightly bothered by being left out of so many polls since saying about certain people tend to take precedence, But hey its a SS so I'll wait yet again to make judgement.

The Fiat's in Black. It wasn't a battle of looking mean, as the title says, "Black is Beautiful." I did go over the top intentionally to make my look evil.
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