CLOSED: POLL: The GT5 Photomode Competition: Week 23 (WINNER: LACOSTER)

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm

THEME: Track Editor

  • [URL=][IMG]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL=""][IMG]http://i

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=][img]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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can't kick this feeling
Staff Emeritus

Further explanation of the theme, provided by Moglet:

Moglet wants to see one of those 7 locations this week! While we can't truly create our
own tracks in GT5, we can nudge it in the right direction... and at least we do have
control over our camera location this time! No restrictions on the vehicle or subject matter,
so long as it's shot on a Track Editor, er, track. Hop to it!

LOCATIONS: Any Track Editor location


Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow the rules may result in disqualification.
If you have any questions, please, send me a Private Message.
This Thread has everything you need to know.

  • Be reminded that only the best 30 entries will get through the Classic Poll Style; and best 15 for each poll in a H2H Poll Style.
  • Do not vote on your entry;
  • Do not try to sway the poll;
  • In the event of a tie, a 24 hour poll is created;
  • In the event of a second tie, Judge's vote is the deciding factor;
  • Please, view each image in it's full size, before voting;

Bit disappointed I didn't make it, but after seeing the extreme quality of everything, I can see why.


I voted for the M5 2nd from the top; DAT SKY
Bit disappointed I didn't make it, but after seeing the extreme quality of everything, I can see why.

Ditto for me. The last couple weeks have been tough all around with all the fantastic shots being posted.
Anyone else think 30 photos in the poll is too many? I know there's more and more people entering these comps and it's hard to narrow down to 20 top photos and I suppose it's nice a few more entries make it to the poll but I think it spreads the votes a little thin in the end. I actually appreciate the fact the you've got to really up your game to make a poll and feel it adds a good deal of satisfaction when you do against so much quality competition. Not that I made the polls this week - tho there's still the CCCL to come.
Anyone else think 30 photos in the poll is too many? I know there's more and more people entering these comps and it's hard to narrow down to 20 top photos and I suppose it's nice a few more entries make it to the poll but I think it spreads the votes a little thin in the end. I actually appreciate the fact the you've got to really up your game to make a poll and feel it adds a good deal of satisfaction when you do against so much quality competition. Not that I made the polls this week - tho there's still the CCCL to come.

agreed with your point. It's so hard to vote for the right one.
Maybe a multible choice poll would fit 30 Entries better!? Or, like you said, 20 final Entries.

But anywho, beautiful Entries everyone. Glad I didnt even tried to compete this week ;)
My entry didn't make it and although there are a lot of great entries I can't help but wonder why.

Anyone want to help me out.​
The 30 number was decided on for reasons you suspect; more and more people were entering, and that seemed like a nice balance between poll exclusivity and accessibility. When you consider over half of the entries each week typically don't make the poll, we don't want people to become too discouraged, but on the other hand, we don't want to just allow every entry in, as making the poll should feel like part of the challenge :).

The format in GT4 times was 20 for PMC, and 10 for 2.0. But with these comps drawing from a much larger crowd than those ever did, we figured, at least for now, that a 10-entry bump to both would work out best. They're not set in stone though... infact, 2.0 might drop to 15 to get back into the spirit of the original (half the poll size of PMC, to reflect the "more elite" skillset).

For everybody who feels like Nato_777 does (that desire to up your game just to make poll, always a fun feeling IMO anyways), there are those that think the current limit is too small. We'd love to hear from more people about the poll size though :)

One thing I will say is that it will always remain single-vote; it's supposed to be a hard decision! :P
30 entries is too much IMO. Not that I wouldn't want more people to make the poll - I simply cannot manage to choose between so many :boggled:
Yeah 30 entries is too much. 20 seems like the right balance. Right now it's very hard to choose a winner from 30 entries. I always have like 5-6 pics in the end to vote for.
20 for PMC and 15 for 2.0 seems OK to me.
As for this particular comp, I voted for the TZ2 @ Toscana. Great colors and the location is nicely highlighted as well 👍
Yeah 30 entries is too much. 20 seems like the right balance. Right now it's very hard to choose a winner from 30 entries. I always have like 5-6 pics in the end to vote for.
20 for PMC and 15 for 2.0 seems OK to me.
As for this particular comp, I voted for the TZ2 @ Toscana. Great colors and the location is nicely highlighted as well 👍

Thank you for that. You just made my day :)
I'm glad I made the Poll, but not expecting to win with those great entries!!
My vote goes to CCShaft's Skyline 👍
Good luck everybody
Like SlipZ, I also think that 30 or even 25 is a nice balance between the number of entrants in the competition vs. number of those entrants that get to poll. It gives most people the opportunity to get to poll and, as you see, even with 30 entries size poll, there are still people wondering why they didn't made it (well, as long as they are asking for advice on how to get better, it's all good). Poll size will drop eventually, with less and less entrants submitting in, but I think, currently, this is the perfect size.

I applause the attitude of gaming up, of trying better and harder to get to poll and wishing for a closer poll with less space to get in but, to me, at least, the real challenge is not only get to poll, but having a killer and winner image.
Also, I don't really think that lowering the poll size to less 10 entries would do anything to voters, the 5 - 6 pictures to vote for will always be there as well as the best and winning picture. If we had a (i.e.) 10 entries poll, it would be even harder to vote for, since, supposedly, those were the 10 best of the best entries from the competition thread.

In another note, I have to say, this is a great poll, full with awesome entries. Moglet as made some great choices IMO.
My entry didn't make it and although there are a lot of great entries I can't help but wonder why.
That's bad luck. I was expecting your photo to make the poll, it was one of the few entries I was considering voting for.
Did not make the poll, but was certainly sure that I wouldn't.
Congrats to all who made it, great shots.

I think 25 is a decent balance for the entries.
I'm well happy, 3 weeks in a row now I've made the poll :) Kinda surprised this week, as I wasn't too sure about it, but getting a standard into the poll is a nice achievement for me and it's not Toscana!

Some really good pics this week as usual 👍
Thought I could've made the Poll

But i understand why i didnt make it...all those shots r amazing!:drool:
Tell what u guys think:dopey:
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Sweet made the poll. Voted for the fiat 500's great tones and composition 👍
My entry didn't make it and although there are a lot of great entries I can't help but wonder why.

Anyone want to help me out.​

One simple thing: The glare. I know it can't be helped as GT5 does it automatically but if you're going to shoot from an angle like that you need to be aware of how the lights are going to react. The headlights are far too distracting IMO and that's why it didn't make it.

Also, I just realised that I didn't mean to put that Ferrari F1 car into the poll. It was meant to be Mudklipz's entry above it. Sorry!
Kinda surprised how mine didn't make it...although there were probably some that did have higher quality that mine.

Also is it just me or do warm and cool filtered photos always seem to make it in?
One simple thing: The glare. I know it can't be helped as GT5 does it automatically but if you're going to shoot from an angle like that you need to be aware of how the lights are going to react. The headlights are far too distracting IMO and that's why it didn't make it.

Also, I just realised that I didn't mean to put that Ferrari F1 car into the poll. It was meant to be Mudklipz's entry above it. Sorry!

While it's too late for Mud's entry to garner votes from those that have already cast it, I've put his entry in there 👍

Thanks for selecting mine, Mog, and thank you to the people who have voted for it so far, at least putting it in the running :). I still haven't decided, but it's between Apokalipse's, ceiling_fan's, 725's, and Fido's. Great shots, guys!
One simple thing: The glare. I know it can't be helped as GT5 does it automatically but if you're going to shoot from an angle like that you need to be aware of how the lights are going to react. The headlights are far too distracting IMO and that's why it didn't make it.

Okay. Thanks for telling me and next time I will try to get rid of it 👍
^I would say, to big (definitely) and to dark (maybe). No chance to get in the poll like this....
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Sorry for asking again...I'm very curious and want to improve my future entries
So what did you guys think of my entry?
Also is it just me or do warm and cool filtered photos always seem to make it in?

A few will tend to make it in due to how often they're used but just using them does not mean you will make the poll. It's very very easy to misuse them or have them look terrible in your final image!

Disappointed..... :(
i really thought i had a chance.....although the entries were amazing...👍


full size

i voted for the Enzo

Too dark, too blurry, too compressed (the car is horrendously artifacted) and the car is way too close to the edge of the frame for the way the image is composed.

Sorry for asking again...I'm very curious and want to improve my future entries
So what did you guys think of my entry?

It's a really nice idea for a photo but the dark areas on the left were too distracting for me. Had the image been composed in portrait you might have cut down on this dark area and made the image more 'balanced', but as it is the first thing my eyes are drawn to isn't the car or the wonderful scenery. It's the dark area on the left, unfortunately.

It's really a shame that your pic has no votes! If you could only have entered the 14 composit version I'm sure you would be in the lead! 👍 ;)
A few will tend to make it in due to how often they're used but just using them does not mean you will make the poll. It's very very easy to misuse them or have them look terrible in your final image!

Too dark, too blurry, too compressed (the car is horrendously artifacted) and the car is way too close to the edge of the frame for the way the image is composed.

It's a really nice idea for a photo but the dark areas on the left were too distracting for me. Had the image been composed in portrait you might have cut down on this dark area and made the image more 'balanced', but as it is the first thing my eyes are drawn to isn't the car or the wonderful scenery. It's the dark area on the left, unfortunately.
Thank you Mog:), really appreciate the comment!👍
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