CLOSED: The Photomode Tournament: Season 04 - Semi-Final Round



Semi-Final round of Season 04 of The Photomode Tournament. Make sure you understand the theme requirements of your match.
You can see each dashboard update by clicking in either: PMC or 2.0

[Click to raise dashboard]


Take a drive on any snow track.
LOCATIONS: Snow Rally locations only


Race head to head against cars of a superior class.
CARS: Only road cars.
UNIQUE RESTRICTIONS: Cars must be in movement and at least 3 cars, one being of inferior class.

[Click to raise dashboard]


Using extreme under or over exposure, remove your car's body and show it's features.
UNIQUE RESTRICTIONS: Car's body must blend into the background.


Since 2002, Nissan had dropped the Skyline's sportiness and focused on a premium sedan/coupe market. Show that the new Skyline hasn't lost its edge! And, show it in its natural habitat, the Nurburgring Nordschleife.
CARS: Nissan Skyline Sedan 350GT-8 '02, Nissan Skyline Coupe 350GT '03, Nissan Skyline Sedan 350GT Type SP '06, Nissan Skyline Coupe 370GT Type SP '07
LOCATIONS: Nurburgring Nordschleife
UNIQUE RESTRICTIONS: Must be in motion.


Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow rules may result in disqualification.
If you have any questions, please, send me a Private Message or READ THIS.

Private Message Requirements:

  • P.M. Title: Photomode Tornament Final Entry;
  • P.M. Subject: Image in either thumbnail or a preview linked to it's full size and which side you will be competing.

Competition Requirements:
  • Entrants must state which side (PMC or 2.0) they are taking part. Only one side per user allowed;
  • Entrants from the PMC side will only battle against other PMC. Entrants from the 2.0 side will only battle against other 2.0.

Entry Requirements:
  • Only one entry per user allowed. It must be that user own work and never seen/used before;
  • You may not post your image elsewhere, until the poll closes down, nor add any identifying element to it.
  • Do not ask other members to choose your entry;
  • Entries may not be changed after submitting (only if against the rules);
  • It's recommended the usage of a free image hosting service, such as ImageShack, Photobucket or Flickr;
  • All entries within the rules will go into poll;
  • Keep in mind that the Host of this competition may ask for the original image and it must be submitted if so.
    It's recommended to store the original image (from the USB stick) until competition round ends.


PMC (blue)

  • No other editing, besides proportionally resize and rotate, is allowed outside GT5 Photomode.

2.0 (red)

What you may not do to a photo:
  • Alter the geometry of the car. No stickers, or body modifications not available in game.
  • Add shapes or objects from outside of GT5, signatures excepted.
  • Add lens flares or "artistic" filters to image.
  • Remove items from shot (scenery, other cars).
  • Use more than 1 image (HDR, photo-stitching, multi-exposure).
  • "Creative cropping". The main "image" must be four-sided, with 90-degree, upright corners.
  • Selective car colour changing: masking different parts to create racing stripes or similar.

What you may do to a photo:
  • Crop and/or resize an image.
  • Adjust the level or curve values.
  • Alter the colour tone of the image (gradient maps, photo filters, colour balance, etc).
  • Car body colour change (all stickers/design features must remain, see "Remove Items" rule).
  • Adjust brightness, contrast, exposure, shadow/highlights.
  • Enhance shadows or highlights (dodge and burn tools in Photoshop, for example).
  • Add noise and/or diffuse glow.
  • Add a post-game tilt-shift blur, or apply a motion blur to a stationary Photomode shot.
  • Make use of Layer Blend Modes.
  • Use a Sharpening filter and/or tool.
  • Scale or enlarge rims.
  • Remove or modify license plates.
  • Remove the GT watermark.
  • Clean up or fix jaggies, texture pixelation, or colour separation.
  • Add a vignette effect.
  • Add a personal signature.


[17.00 GMT]

PMC Match 2 and 2.0 Match 1 will be a little tricky - looking forward to what you guys produce.
As for me it's back to the Nurburgring again - Round 1,2 & 3 :lol: Not that I'm complaining ;)
Best of luck everyone. 👍
I really like the theme 👍 I will have lots of fun with this - if I only have the time.

Good luck SlipZ and good luck all of you :)
Can someone explain PMC match 2 theme ?
My english is not that good I guess because i'm struggling to get the theme.
Can someone explain PMC match 2 theme ?
My english is not that good I guess because i'm struggling to get the theme.

It's like a David vs Goliath type thing. Everyday cars vs supercars etc
So, if I use three cars, one of them should be an ordinary car and the other two should be supercars and the other way around ?

One car should be the smaller class and all the others the bigger class.
My theme based from my previous set! :D Thank Celestia I didn't delete the replay!

Good luck, Nathan! :cheers:
Entry submitted!

It was fun as expected to experiment with this feature. I believe I will try to use it again in the future. In the end I ended up doing something I've tried before though - hopefully my entry will be good enough to compete with SlipZ's superpowers :cheers:
My theme based from my previous set! :D Thank Celestia I didn't delete the replay!

Good luck, Nathan! :cheers:

Thanks, I'm going to need it - you've had practise for this one. ;)
Had one photo session and pretty much came up with nothing good, I'll have one more chance at it and hopefully just enough time to edit before the deadline. :scared:
All the best Justin.
Entry sent. Good luck to Boabdulrahman 👍. The theme is quite hard to interpert since it only allows road cars.
Entry is sent - to say I struggled with this one would be an understatement.
Not withstanding a migraine I've be suffering with the past few days I just couldn't take a shot I was happy with and it's not the car - I have a new found respect for the 'different' Skyline, it's a great car.
I feel I shall be slaughtered this time. :scared:
Once again, good luck everyone. 👍
Entry is sent - to say I struggled with this one would be an understatement.
Not withstanding a migraine I've be suffering with the past few days I just couldn't take a shot I was happy with and it's not the car - I have a new found respect for the 'different' Skyline, it's a great car.
I feel I shall be slaughtered this time. :scared:
Once again, good luck everyone. 👍
Aw! Don't worry! :P

Anyways, ENTRY SENT!
Entry submitted!

It was fun as expected to experiment with this feature. I believe I will try to use it again in the future. In the end I ended up doing something I've tried before though - hopefully my entry will be good enough to compete with SlipZ's superpowers :cheers:

Pffft, I'm expecting you to run away with this one Zam :)

I again only had a short amount of time to get my entry done: I had some very unfortunate family events this week that required practically all my free time. I sent a PM to Nick last night before passing out saying as much, but was able to fit in a shoot and edit in about 40min this morning. Didn't want to delay things yet again!

I played it safe (as safe as this theme could allow), so I'm not liking my chances considering Zam's awesome run so far. Come on, poll! :cheers: