Cnc Generals Install Problem

  • Thread starter Spock


Not In My Name
i just got generals tonight and i went to install it and this message came up(see pic)
and cant get generals to install.:mad:
ive tried to install it on both of my cd drives and it wont install.
so can any of you help me?


  • arrrg.jpg
    14.2 KB · Views: 96
I'm guessing your installing from a CD (E:\). There is no file on the CD. The installation will not work if you don't have this file. So, to put it simply - your screwed.
no the file is there, the intaller just wont reconize it


  • language.jpg
    32 KB · Views: 93
Hey i got it installed!
i just copyied both cd contents to a folder and ran the installer from there, now it works :)
Originally posted by spock
Hey i got it installed!
i just copyied both cd contents to a folder and ran the installer from there, now it works :)
Hey man i would like to play someone at this game. Whats your SN in generals? Mine is NocMan. Look me up some times. :)
I had a problem with that same file, I had to use CDMAGE to save it cuz it was corrupted... But I downloaded the latest patches from the official C&C Generals forums and it worked fine, also got rid of some Serious Error problems the game had. If you havent updated to the newest patch, I highly recommend it.
I havent had any problems with this game running on my comp. What are you guys running on your comps?
i dont have any problems on my game
but im runing XP home edt.
Pentium 4
256 ram (just got a 512 stick but havnt had time to install it. 256 + 512 = 768)
i run the cd off a 40x dvd drive
no probs but the game sumtimes lags a bit
Originally posted by spock
Hey i got it installed!
i just copyied both cd contents to a folder and ran the installer from there, now it works :)
hehe well you might have read this already but want to go ahead and post it just in case someone else encounters this problem. I was a bit late but glad to hear everything is running good for you. :lol: C&C Generals help
no i didn't read that, i kinda figured it out on my own.
but why dose this problem happen? i think EA should fix this problem because copying both cds to a hdd is a bit much for some cd drives