Co-op endurance


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Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Well, you maybe know what I'm going to say after reading the title.

Yes, this is based on the Pace Notes thread, but (obviously) it's not exactly the same.

Some of you maybe did the 24h endurances with a friend, your brother, or basically another person non-stopping. So, I thought, why not doing it online with any other person (or people) in the world?
Planified, of course, not "Well, let's do Le Mans...oh, a Japanese is connected, let's go with him!". Forums like this one could help to organize the race and do it safely and not with a bored troll.

What do you think?

P.D. I don't know if this goes in the wishlist thread. Close it if it does.
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You mean similar to this? An online career mode similar to F1 2011 and F1 2012? yes I would enjoy that.

However long endurance races could be frustrating with the common disconnects online. Maybe if there was a save system then endurance races online would be fun. But ONLY with some sort of save system. Cant even imagine getting 23 hours into an endurance race, get disconnected, and lose everything. Ouch.
You mean similar to this? An online career mode similar to F1 2011 and F1 2012? yes I would enjoy that.

However long endurance races could be frustrating with the common disconnects online. Maybe if there was a save system then endurance races online would be fun. But ONLY with some sort of save system. Cant even imagine getting 23 hours into an endurance race, get disconnected, and lose everything. Ouch.
Well, we know GT5 servers are ***********************, but it shouldn't be a problem if PD improve it.

But I think they can implement a system where if you get disconnected of an endurance race while another driver is playing and you try to rejoin the race, the game detects you were on that race and you can rejoin it.
However, if you are driving when your internet says "pluf", the next time you continue the race you will start in the last pit stop you did.
The servers aren't sh***y. Never have a single problem with it (Using LAN, not WLAN). Maybe your internet connection is just ***********************. My experience is that if you use normal LAN with a cable, you won't have a problem. When you use WLAN (wifi) you may loose connection.

I think it will be a great idea. 24 heures du mans is enjoyable I think.
This single driver racing is getting old in GT, there are other racing simulators on the market that allow CO-OP (2-4 driver team)along with team CO-OP (6-8) events. At times the incorrect are asked for, long term is always better that short term.
Firstly there should be a system to better organise races through GT without resorting to an internet forum.

Secondly I think if multiple players can race against AI then I don't see the need to apply it specifically to any one particular event. So really I think this thread boils down to the issue of several players being able to race AI simultaneously. Unless you mean alternating stints with a player, which for me would be mind-numbingly boring.
My idea of a co-op endurance race is where I can partake at a WEC event. It would be a normal team of 3 that stint at max of 4 hours, and then rotate off. One driver against the 16 (as in 15 other cars on track) or however many is allowed. My other two teammates will be in a garage/spectator mode, watching it on a "live" feed, where they can tune between a cinematic of whatever car, or onboards of any other car including their own. We would also have an engineer, that would tell telemetry and reply to drivers, "come in this lap for two, a splash, or driver change" who would also want to rank up in some sort of system PD implements. If no engineer takes place for that team, we could have an ai reminder, who can be turned off if the driver doesnt give two cents for it.

Now, we already have characters with racing suits, so when the driver gets out, well, he gets out of his car and walks to the garage. And the teammate spectator mode, well there are other games out there where you can spectate and not be apart of the lobby. And the engineer mode, well we already have live telemetry on replays so this is possible. Make the engineer with a mic on spectator and wallah (or however you spell it). Of course everyone should be able to talk but i feel as if this will be a true simulator.

If this were to happen, i think people would get another side of racing and see the grinding work that goes into it. It's more than just a game..
The servers aren't sh***y. Never have a single problem with it (Using LAN, not WLAN). Maybe your internet connection is just ***********************. My experience is that if you use normal LAN with a cable, you won't have a problem. When you use WLAN (wifi) you may loose connection.

I think it will be a great idea. 24 heures du mans is enjoyable I think.
Interent connection was just 1 example. I personally don't have many issues online because my connection is outstanding. In fact I had to recently downgrade my internet connection because it was overkill. 50 megs download and about 10 megs upload. However I know many members that do have problems online. Also just imagine your power going out. ANYTHING can happen in 24 hours. Some sort of save system would be a must for a 24 hour online co-op endurance.
My idea of a co-op endurance race is where I can partake at a WEC event. It would be a normal team of 3 that stint at max of 4 hours, and then rotate off. One driver against the 16 (as in 15 other cars on track) or however many is allowed. My other two teammates will be in a garage/spectator mode, watching it on a "live" feed, where they can tune between a cinematic of whatever car, or onboards of any other car including their own. We would also have an engineer, that would tell telemetry and reply to drivers, "come in this lap for two, a splash, or driver change" who would also want to rank up in some sort of system PD implements. If no engineer takes place for that team, we could have an ai reminder, who can be turned off if the driver doesnt give two cents for it.

Now, we already have characters with racing suits, so when the driver gets out, well, he gets out of his car and walks to the garage. And the teammate spectator mode, well there are other games out there where you can spectate and not be apart of the lobby. And the engineer mode, well we already have live telemetry on replays so this is possible. Make the engineer with a mic on spectator and wallah (or however you spell it). Of course everyone should be able to talk but i feel as if this will be a true simulator.

If this were to happen, i think people would get another side of racing and see the grinding work that goes into it. It's more than just a game..

I would absolutely love it. This would make endurance races extremely fun.
Every now and then people do think outside of the box. I don't know if it will work but, it's certainly something I haven't heard in here before. Interesting:tup:
if lost connect net? what about?

Endurance 24h + Coop online = Lost connect Raqequit!

If I had to guess, I think it might be something like the 'Suspend Race' option in GT5, with Player A saving their progress at pit-in, uploading it to a server, and Player B then downloads and proceeds from that point, until Player B chooses to suspend at the end of their stint to give control back to Player A or let Player C have a turn, with network connections really only needed in this scenario at upload and download.

Sort of an asynchronous online, I think.
How would it work though?

I mean a field of Ten cars for example would require at least double the number of Playstations connected at some point, probably more than that - that is a lot of strain on the server, is it not?

I love the idea though. If it is possible, it would be great!