Color of the decals

United States
Can they be changed. I know some can, but for instance. I put a red CRANE CAMS decals on one of my cars, and the only color they showed it for was red, but I saw the Crane Cams decal on another car, and it was white, so I am thinking what the heck?!?!? So I load up my livery editor, loaded up the decal (only color again was red) and no edit color box thing came up. So just wondered if I was missing something?
The car that you saw might've had a customized decal created with the decal uploader. Usually you can find copies of the original decals there with more options to them. You can for instance change their color and flip them in different directions.
When you share a decal, you can choose whether or not people can change the color or stretch/flip it.

Generally, if I have a logo that has lettering in it, I tag it as not being able to stretch as that will make it flip horizontally when you duplicate to the other side of the car. This saves a step for the user as you wouldn't want text mirrored.

As far as color locking, if the logo can be made monochrome and still retain its silhouette, I'll leave that off. you wouldn't want text mirrored.
Tell that to Smokey Nagata :D
Tell that to Smokey Nagata :D
I thought of those kinds of cars the second I typed that. :lol:

Decided I hate those schemes anyway so no matter (plus I think you might be able to accomplish the same with depth and angle controls rather than having to duplicate to opposite).
I've had the same issue when doing my C-West Silvia replica. The guy who uploaded the best C-West logo made it uneditable.
Fortunately I could make one myself to override it.
You could also try commenting on the decal along them to share an editable version. I try to keep an eye on my comments for that very reason. I don't want to flood the server with a bunch of duplicates but if someone has a need to change a setting I have locked, I'm happy to re-share with those properties unlocked. It only takes a few seconds.

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