Colorful forza7 game play for FREE

  • Thread starter johndaran
United States
United States
Hi everyone, recently I moved from one state to another and took with me my high end PC. After I set it up I turned on Forza 7 and decided to do some time laps and here is what I found- a colorful game play! I don't know if this is my hardware got damaged over the long trip despite the good packaging I used or it is some Microsoft surprise. I decided to buy and try another Graphic card so I got the same result over and over. I have no idea what is the situation here, I will ask you guys if you can share some thoughts with me- it may get me to some logical solution. Thank you in advance.
Forza glich.png
If you tried a different graphics card, then a RAM stick is probably slightly loose.
Try reinserting them.
If that doesn't work, start trying by taking one RAM stick out at a time, boot up and do it until the problem goes away (or you run out of RAM).
If your computer was stored in any type of heat it could have damaged a a RAM stick if none of them are loose.
If my earlier suggestions don't work, do any other full screen games have these issues?
If not, try uninstalling and reinstalling FM7.
Well I tried pulling out ram sticks and it is still the same. It looks like my computer started using too much ram in the games. For example I got 16GB of ram and the the PC using 11.5GB in Forza 7. I tried with different games and I still got the same problem. it uses too much ram for some reason. Waiting for 4 brand new sticks of ram same as mine I got now and I will do compassion. the next 2 thing I got in mind are CPU and MOBO. Btw I already reinstall windows hopping this will fix something but nope- same story. Same with FM7 uninstalled and installed it back but there is still some black spots on the tracks. One thing I got in mind is I think I may damage the MOBO or cpu if it was close to some magnet field like a speakers or sub woofer , even the Mobo wifi antenna. it has magnet on the bottom to stick to the case. i kept it on the back panel of my case, close to the cpu and ram. But if this really can damage pc hardware I will be really upset. Once again every thoughts and suggestions are welcome. Thank you.
Increased RAM usage shouldn't be an indicator of a problem.
RAM is a solid state device, there are no moving parts, so RAM either works or it doesn't work at all.

Depending on the brand or quality of your motherboard, heat could have been a factor.
You say that is happened after you moved.
When you stored computer during move did it sit in places with a lot of heat?
Circuit boards on the motherboard could have been damaged from high heat if so.

If you have access to another computer, I would try swapping out each component of the "broke" pc with the working one, until the working one exhibits the same behavior. (including the power supply).
The following are the parts that could fail that could cause graphical glitches (From worst to least)
Graphics card (either damaged or improperly seated)
Power Supply (Not providing enough or constant power can cause issues)
Extra slot cards (additional sound card, SSD drives) Usually them not being seated properly can cause issues
Cooling system (not keeping system cool enough) ** Esp. consider this if issue doesn't happen right away. **

If you have swapped out everything but the motherboard, and still haven't seen the issue, then chances are it is the motherboard.

If you are not comfortable with swapping out parts or do not have access to another PC with similar parts, I think it might be time to take it to a PC tech.
If you have an nVidia graphics card, update to the latest GeForce driver as there is a fix for corrupted tracks in-game -

Game Ready Fixes (For full list of fixes please check out release notes)
  • [Forza Motorsport 7]: There is corruption on the tracks in the game. [2682129]

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