Colour shifting paints

Would like to get 10 paints - no specific onces just colour shifting ones. The only one i don't really need is maziora andromedall & maziora andromeda

Can offer any giftable car from the dealership and am free to send whenever
(There's also an Amuse GT1 Turbo (standard model) in my UCD with only 645km.)

Thanks :)

PSN ID for this trade: JollyJo787
I have three I can give you, free. Maziora McKenley, Chameleon Orange and Reflex Spice. Send a FR if you'd like me to send them. I'm not sure if I already sent some paints today or not, but if not today then tomorrow for sure.
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thx man i've added u now, i love the mckenley!! :)
only other one i have right now is azzuro nuvola iridisecente which is rubbish lol

offer's still going then for anyone else interested thanks :)
Sorry, but I could only send you one as have already reached the trade limit. You'll get the others after the trade reset.
@pandulce... np mate, thanks a lot :)

@dotngo... thanks man i'll check it out. I know there are some ones with tvr also but i saw a list once of colour shift paints and realised half of them i'd never seen or heard of. Plus the main problem is that im on a secondary account and i dont wanna have to register my acct and pay £5 for the paint pack (usually i prefer mattes to chromes, and chromes to colourshifts, but the dlc paints are different and the best ones are the colourshifts, with the chromes a but subpar)
So to make up for not having the dlc colourshifts i wanna get loads of newish ones i'm not so familiar with - there are some nice mazioras but andromeda and reflex blue are kinda samey (blue & purple is the most common type i come across)