Comeback for Jv :D

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Hey guys.. IM BACK! :mischievous:

And Jv might be too next year :D

Chek out
One post says that Jv is in a short list for a drive with williams next year (possibly two seats free)
and another is craig pollock... saying that JV Will be back


Great news :).... well for me anywayz

A) Frank Williams hiring JV over and above Webber, Gene or Ralf? Yea, sure.

B) JV pushing out Button or Sato? Heh, nice one 👍

Basically you just presented a rumour, already discussed in this forum, as a likely fact. JV is a washed up, arrogant, unco-operative driver. End of story.

And as a side note, it is spelt plagiarism and research
no one should believe anything craig pollock says

and there is another jv comeback forum in know because i started it
Originally posted by -}=Dr={-Devil-}
Hey guys.. IM BACK! :mischievous:

Try to behave better this time! ;)

I'm going to close this one, so we can keep the JV discussions to the one thread.
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