COMMUNITY POLL : What camera angle do you use for serious racing and why

  • Thread starter xSNAKEx

What view do you use most?

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I dont think I've seen any recent polls that give a good overview for what view GTplanet members use.

I'd be intersted to see a shakedown of what is most popular to least popular.

If possible, also please explain why you prefer to use a particular view over the others, and your views on them.

Ill go frist, (duh) 💡

I only use bumper cam.


*It has a direct connection to the car

*Has a rear view mirror

*From the drivers perspective


*No cockpit

*No part of your car is visible

*Cannot check your blind spots

Thoughts on all available GT5 views.

I find views from a perspective other than the drivers placement, detached from the driving experience, and just wrong on many levels, including realism.
This includes a roof cam on the cars that have it.

That leaves only cockpit, hood cam and "bumper cam"

Cockpit view
, sadly has one major flaw that really puts me of. The modelled wheel in the game only turns half as much as how much you actually turn your sim wheel. Movement is delayed and smoothened out, instead of being raw and accurate.

Furthermore, the rotation is limited to about 180 degrees, compared to 900 degree of your actual wheel.

Hood cam. Whist I love the ability to see your cars body in front of you, and prefer it to floating on air like in bumper cam, unfortunately, the camera is not fixed to the body of the car like it is in bumper and cockpit view.

In other words, it does not convey pitch yaw and roll of your car like bumper and cockpit view.
It feels detached from the car, and thus conveys less information to you about your car and the road. Also, No rear view mirror.

Chase and roof cam are the same as hood cam in this regard, but as I said above they are double ruled out for the other reasons (not being from the drivers perspective, no rear view mirror!).

Finally, I am suprised at the number of chase cam 'ers that play gt5.

I have given it a fair go, so I can enjoy seeing my car from the outside whilst I dirve, but with a simple view change I suddenly feel as though I am driving a block of cheese by pushing it with a broom, instead of actually being in control of the car.

I am about 30% slower with chase cam and spin out regularly. The only advantage if you can master it, is you can see the exact position of both your car, and the cars around, even those that would otherwise be in your blind spots in the other views.
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Bumper Cam.

On endurance races I use cockpit view, but only if the car has a usuble cockpit... Cars like for example the 908, Ford GT Test Car and especially the Citroen GT Race Car are barely drivable in cockpit view because you can only see a tiny sliver of sky and no road at all.

Also, if I use cockpit view, it's only in Narrow mode.
Cockpit veiw, its probably my favourite part of the game

sitting in cockpit view in an X1 or F2007, so much fun!
I use bumper cam because it feels closest to cockpit cam. Since only a handful have cockpit cam and all have bumper cam, I use bumper to stay consistent. Now, for endurance races I use cockpit cam because for some reason bumper cam makes my eyes wacky after so long.
Another vote for cockpit view.

I've got so used to using it that I can judge the distance from other cars. I've also mapped my R2/L2 buttons to look around the cockpit, just to make sure.

If I'm driving a standard, I use roof cam:D
I'd try to set up my cars for best overall cockpit view with the zoom feature and all, but If I can't beat the lap time desired or can't get gold, I'll use hood cam.
cockpit, i got used to it since prologue and using it all the time, obviusly not in standard cars but i try to avoid those just collecting them in the garage but if i do drive a standard i'm using bumper cam
Cockpit view on premiums and bumper cam on standards. I just find it more natural. The peugeot 908 is really hard to see out of though.
I prefer the chase cam
If I'm playing a videogame with so many cars and at least 200 super detailed one, at least let me contemplate them while racing:)
I also like hood cam (in GT4 almost always used this one along with chase cam)
And for fun I like to use Cockpit cam
Bumper least for
Cockpit cam is a nice gimmick, but not what you'd see if you were in a real car. "Bumper" cam feels most natural to me...
Bumper cam all the way. It's the only view that gives me a sense of speed. Plus you can't tell your driving a standard car.
Chase. It gives me the best view of the racing line and let's me place the car with max precision in relation to the road, apex, and other cars. The latter is extremely important for online racing. I would use cockpit view, but it doesn't give me the same situation awareness as it does in real life. Cockpit looks the most realistic, but chase "feels" the most realistic.
I use cockpit cam because it's what U would see in real life.
I also have a sense of wear everything is in relation to the apex and the side of the track.
It's not what you would see in real life unless you were wearing a neck brace. I use chase cam so I can see exactly where I am placing the car, in terms of the track as well as other cars. If there was genuine head tracking so you can look around (without throwing up) I would use cockpit, but as things are I find it a little hard to tell where the extremeties of the car are.

That said, it's easier to control slides on cockpit or bumper cam, there is admittedly a more intuitive feeling of feedback.But I guess I got so used to old NFS games, GTA etc. in the past, i've kept chase cam for the most part, plus I do like to see the car, and unlike previous GTs, chase cam often seems to have the nicest engine sound in GT5 👍
I use the cockpit offline when it doesn't matter whats behind me. I use the bumper cam for online so I have a rear view mirror (most of the cockpit ones are either cutoff or angled wrong).
Roof. because I like 1st person-ish view get to see my car and everything around it when im racing with close racers to see them so I know when they're on my side(cockpit shakes too much). Its also smooth and I get too see whats up a head. I can also "feel" the car in roof cam. I can't stand bumber cam. I hate it.
I use chase as I grew up playing games in chase view, and whenever I try to switch to bumper or hood, I always mess up.
"Bumper" cam, because it's the most realistic. Look at how much of you field of view your TV takes up. Now imagine sitting in a car. Unless you sit three feet from a 60" TV basically the whole area of your vision your TV takes up will be windscreen; not dash, wheel, roof lining etc. Cockpit view feels like you're sitting in the back seat.
Bumper cam, one of my faveorite premium car have a near useless interior (just try using the tach on the Speed 6, I dare you.
Cockpit cam is a nice gimmick, but not what you'd see if you were in a real car. "Bumper" cam feels most natural to me...

I feel the exact opposite. I feel bumper feels nothing like a real car. I tried the Civic 87 in this game and that view feels absolutely nothing like the car I drove for 3 years, NOTHING like it. Every car I've driven or rode in real life feels nothing like the bumper cam view in this game. Cockpit is the only thing that comes close. Bumper cam makes me feel like I'm in the view of a go-kart.

I use strictly cockpit view.
I use roof view, mainly because I can see exactly where the nose of the car is pointed at. Apart from that, it has a decent view to either side of your car to see others cars and the track edge.

I feel some games like NFS Shift and Prologue get cockpit cam perfectly. But for some reason, GT5's cockpit cam feels really awkward and I can't manage fast laps with them.
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