Company sponsored, money prize winning online tournaments for GT5 on the PS3

  • Thread starter shinspikes
I'm sure many of yah watched the Microsoft press conference at last years E3 2005. At the press conference, there was one thing that Peter Moore said after the PGR3 video. All of yah might remember this. He was talkin about online tournaments that were sponsored by companies. And, the tournies had cash prizes. When I heard this, I nearly pissed my pants (cause I imagined what it would be like if GT5 had this). Imagine a company like Honda, Chevy or aftermarket like Michelin, Jackson racing or HKS holdin an online tournament with a cash prize of 10,000 dollars, or free parts or maybe a free car! My mind went crazy. I started thinkin up so many crazy ideas that would enhance this experience.

My thoughts on this are so deep, that I wanted to share them and I would like for all of yah to share yours as well. Remember, this is a discussion of the online tournaments and modes. I understand there are alot of offline players and all of this should be applied to that mode as well, but to shorten the winy hate posts, please stay on topic, go hate somewhere else.

To start, The competitions would be broken up into class, so the hardcore aren't the only ones winnin (I race with the hardcore). The tournament is fully customizable i.e. the rules, cars, power, damage and so forth (normal online mode should already have this, hopefully).
I love playin GT as is, but I love playin other human players even more. And, playin others for money, prizes and pink slips would make it even more interesting. This would be a smart move for all of these companies, cause its easy advertisement. Just like winnin a free gift card from Circuit city or Best buy, they want you to come in, use it, and spend more money. Not to let these companies steal any more of our money, but the prize money would be more than enough to compensate for all the GT's we paid for and this brand new freakin expensive console. I paid full price for all of them and spent many ours playin. I want a little appreciation. Well, those are my thoughts what about all of yah?
I like the online contest ideas too. But frankly I think they shouldn't be for more than token money or gear awards, mostly for in-game goodies and kudo prizes. They should be oriented towards fun and viewer enjoyment. I'm afraid in the world we're in, people in general are too cut-throat and we'd get a lot of contestants ready to do anything to win, or crash servers if they loose.
Tenacious D
I like the online contest ideas too. But frankly I think they shouldn't be for more than token money or gear awards, mostly for in-game goodies and kudo prizes. They should be oriented towards fun and viewer enjoyment. I'm afraid in the world we're in, people in general are too cut-throat and we'd get a lot of contestants ready to do anything to win, or crash servers if they loose.

Not to mention people would try to find a way to cheat.
Not to mention people would try to find a way to cheat.

I'd hate to download patches like on PC's. But, I'm sure sony can work something out to fix these problems. Like punkbuster on Battlefield2. I'm not askin for this solely just to make money. I would still play online for fun. But, I love competition. And this usually brings out the best out of people, and sometimes the bad. Check out, they do tournaments all the time. They just recently did a Call of duty 2 tourni and its viewed live.
Just look at the PGR3 tournaments. There are all kinds of people complaining loudly about the idiots who take out others because of desperate reckless driving, causing them both to loose. The lucky ones who were in the lead manage to advance.

I wouldn't even participate because I know that would probably happen to me and I don't need the aggrivation. It's part of the reason I haven't even signed up for an XBox Live trial. Plus the fact that I'm not sure how easy it is to slap Micro$ofts hands off of my bank account if I don't care for it. :P
Tenacious D
Just look at the PGR3 tournaments. There are all kinds of people complaining loudly about the idiots who take out others because of desperate reckless driving, causing them both to loose. The lucky ones who were in the lead manage to advance.

You guys think too small, and are so easily scared and put off by such small things. PGR3 is an arcade racer, of course idiots hit each other in that game. As I was sayin before, there would be rules set in place, and huge tournaments would be watched heavily for fouls. Like on They watched heavily on their Nascar tournament.

On normal online games, I still want the option of settin up all my rules and regulations. I'm sure that PD are aware of their different racers. They would probably want to seperate the hardcore from the casual so their is no conflict. Sony's online service is copyin alot of stuff from Xbox live. So the matchmaker could help alot.
Did anyone catch the WSVG intel summer championship at dallas texas? They were hostin a Project Gotham Racing 3 tournament and other tournies. Some kid won, he won a cash prize and got to ride in Lambo murcielago. You can watch the vidz on windows media player in the guide. Mang!!! I just live 45mins away from where it was hosted. These are the kind of tourines I want, both online and off.
it would be awsum to verse GT racers from all over the world, i have often wondered how i would fair against the best. i dont really like the idea of winning money though, i agree with Tenacious D people could get pretty crazy, it should just be 1 million game credits or something not actual money
I'm not sure about real money because as said, people get nuts. Also I wonder how state laws apply to that?

However I think it's a great idea to have tournys for prizes, play money and such. Maybe free games or shirts.
i like money, i need money, but introducin money prizes to granturismo i dont think is so great. Who knows it might start illegal stuff like gambling on other racers haha its highly unlikely but it could happen
You guys think too small, and are so easily scared and put off by such small things. PGR3 is an arcade racer, of course idiots hit each other in that game. As I was sayin before, there would be rules set in place, and huge tournaments would be watched heavily for fouls. Like on

And they would enforce everything how exactly? Just because GT isn't an arcade racer, doesn't mean you won't get idiots taking everyone else out to try and win. Don't make the mistake of thinking there aren't n00bs in the GT world. I like the idea of online tournaments...but not when prizes are real...too many risks and too many cheats out there. Call it being scared off if you will, I call it staying out of an accident waiting to happen.
Yeh it would be better if it were game credits, or pink slip races. I would hate to lose my car in a race though:nervous:
Haha my brother won a slim line ps2, TV and GT4 when he competed in a GT competition they had at some industrial show thing, but it wasnt online or for money.
And they would enforce everything how exactly? Just because GT isn't an arcade racer, doesn't mean you won't get idiots taking everyone else out to try and win. Don't make the mistake of thinking there aren't n00bs in the GT world. I like the idea of online tournaments...but not when prizes are real...too many risks and too many cheats out there. Call it being scared off if you will, I call it staying out of an accident waiting to happen.

Nobody here reads a persons full post before commenting do they? I never said that GT won't get noobs.
I will write this one more time so all of you can understand. Taking examples from's tournies, these are not random online tournaments that anyone can just join. They must qualify. These are company sponsored events that are watched by professionals and the sponsor themselves, so all rules and cautions are in effect. They watch the games live to see who commits the fouls, they even do replays to see what happen exactly. So, again there is nothing to be afraid of. Why would they let a prize winning tournament go crazy? Its a legit race not a random online game. You register and provide your info, so the random noobs get filtered out. You guys say that others will find a way to cheat. And I can't stress this enough, each racer will be watched. Even in games like GTR, they know when I've hit someone or even gone off track.

Real tournaments of other games go on all the time, and nothin bad happens, everybody enjoys themselves. There will always be noobs, I hate them, but they're people too, and thats life, deal with it.
But, upon listenin to some of yah's opinions, it seems like most of yah don't want this, or the few who read this. All I know is that if this becomes real (and you don't have to participate if you don't want to) I'll be facin the best of the best and havin more fun, cause playin against the A.I. gets tiresome after awhile. Give me real racers.
Yeh it would be better if it were game credits, or pink slip races. I would hate to lose my car in a race though:nervous:
Haha my brother won a slim line ps2, TV and GT4 when he competed in a GT competition they had at some industrial show thing, but it wasnt online or for money.

Doesn't have to be money. Give me a new car.
Real tournaments of other games go on all the time, and nothin bad happens, everybody enjoys themselves. There will always be noobs, I hate them, but they're people too, and thats life, deal with it.
But, upon listenin to some of yah's opinions, it seems like most of yah don't want this, or the few who read this. All I know is that if this becomes real (and you don't have to participate if you don't want to) I'll be facin the best of the best and havin more fun, cause playin against the A.I. gets tiresome after awhile. Give me real racers.

I would love to race to race against the best:tup:
I would also love to win money and/or prizes, i just dont think its such a great idea thats all.
I would love to race to race against the best:tup:
I would also love to win money and/or prizes, i just dont think its such a great idea thats all.

I didn't ask if that was a good idea. I'm brought this up to see if others would do it too. Stay on topic.

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