Complete newbie to Photoshop!! Need help urgently!

  • Thread starter CDailey
United States
'Ello,i just got photoshop and i need some help!!please tell me everything a newbie should know about it.any tips would be greatly appreciated :D
Originally posted by jubula
well, says those tutorials r for Photoshop 5 and i have PhotoShop there a BIG difference? :confused:
There has happened a lot since Photoshop 5, but i think the basics are more or less the same..

Photoshop 6 is (obviously) closer to version 5 or 5.5, so those tutorials you should be able to use without too much trouble.

Here's some of my Photoshop work... in case you are interested:

click on the back to the gallery link to see more..

Go for it!! I was once a newbie too:)
if somebody that has AIM and knows how to photoshop a car....can you get on there and IM me and please walk me through a complete shop???Pleeeaaassseee????!!!!!! my screen name is mondeo escort
thanx in advance :D
ok.I actually IMed Bryce22 and he walked me through the color i need your help with the lowering.

can you please explain it too me please?
ok...i re-read over the instructions CAREFULLY and i found out what i was doing says "Follow the lower edge of the body and continue to go outside your working space and select everything from the bottom up the car and up."what i was doing was selecting every below the selection instead of above! STUPID ME!
Just get rid of the cheap lens flare and fix up the edges of the car. They look sloppy.

Try to outline the car better and it will look a lot better.
It probably doesn't help that you are using such a small picture either. Try finding a nice big picture with good quality.

There are a bunch in various threads here.