Computer Guts Cleanup....

  • Thread starter Pako


Staff Emeritus
United States
NW Montana
GTP Pako
So, I had to do some work and decided to make up some custom power cables and do a little house cleaning on the computer...

Here's my result, care to share your's?


  • before-after.jpg
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LOL, those are just the ones you can see, there's also one behind each HD cage. :D

Seems to keep everything nice and cool though.
Very cool Pako! I don't have the skillz to clean up my cables, so I just bought rounded IDE cables and my Antec PSU cables came with nylon around them. You can't have too many fans. :) I have 2 for my case and I plan to drill more holes for 3 more.
Nice work!

What kind of case do you have to stuff all of those fans in? How are your noise levels? I know my current setup generates roughly 50 dba of noise. >_< I'm looking into a new PSU from QuietPC seeing as my PSU is the main offender in the noise category. They're not cheap, but what price sanity, eh? ;)

I'll clean up my PC's guts tomorrow (they need it) and post pics for y'all. 👍
Viper Zero:

I would love the rounded cables as well...., the cable that you can really see is actually a SCSI cable, of which I haven't found any round ones yet. The IDE cables are so far stuffed behind everything else, you really can't see 'em. So what Antec case do you have? Being a Antec owner, the innerd's of my machine must look somewhat recognizable. ;)


Well, it's actually surprising quiet. I would love for it to be more Silent, almost to the point where I've toyed with the idea of build a HD Farm in a seperate box to stuff in the closet for all the extra drives, thus not needing all the extra fans in the case. I've heard that those Power Supplies are awesome for low noise. I can't honestly say how loud the Computer is, but being in the recording environment, I can say that there isn't any *hummm/raaaaah* coming from the computer onto clients recorded tracks so that's good.
:lol: I've heard some of those....

I will say that when I first plug my machine in, the UPS beeps at me, and the lights dim for just a second. :eek:
Hehehehehee...I had a power amp that did that once. This is the same amp that had enough capacitance to play full-bore for 15-20 seconds after it had been switched off. :eek: ...and yes, that figure is taken from first-hand experience. :D
Hummm...., I wonder if they would custom build a cable for me... If you look at the pic, the drive bank of 3 on the far left are my SCSI's and with a 9" spacing between connectors, they would be too close for their cable. It's nice to see there is hope though. :) Thanks.
Heh, nice case:D same on i have, but mine is the spiffy black:P

amazingly mine looks exactly like yours, fans and all. although, i dont have the hdd fans, but i do have 3 fans in a cd spot.
27 inch screen.

it could be the circuit too, but i think i'm the only one on it, and when i turn the tv on, nothing else is on.
I have my PS2, my little brother's Gamecube, a Sony Trinitron, a lamp, and a hi-fi from 1970 plugged into one circuit and the lights dim too. :lol:

Those LCD screens are nice. All you need is a GPS locater and you'll probably have enough to fly a 767. :lol:
My computer is is loud enough to be considered a mini jet on takeoff. It has four fans: cpu fan, power supply fan, and two fans built into the case that blow air into the room. Its moderately quiet, but still pretty loud. I don't know the exact dba levels of it though. The case for it is pretty sweet too, its by Raidcom and has 8 bays in it.

You have the Antec case as well, eh? Shortly after I got this one, they came out with a new one, roughly the same price, with an additional drive bay, and 3 more 5.25 drive bays, as well as a 400w PS or a 450w PS. Anyhow, there great cases arn't they? A little tall, but what the heck, if it's good enough for alienware, it's good enough for little O' me (and you). :)
Short of tearing into the case again, I think I have it posted around here...., somewhere, I think it's in the computer spec. thread.
Well, here goes:


Before... :yuck:


During - notice that I've also moved a few things. The USB card is removed (didn't need it after all), the cooling fan is moved, and there's a new drive! What can it be? More on that later... ;)





The PSU...notice just one exhaust fan, as opposed to the recommended intake and exhaust fan...This PSU (which is a POS :D) will be getting replaced pretty shortly with a quieter, more efficient unit (most likely a 400W QuietPC unit).


A lifetime supply of zip-ties...$5.99 at Target.


Ta-da! The finished product. Much improved, I think. :) Also, there is a new intake fan hiding inside the plastic cage in the bottom right of the case.


As far as the new drive is concerned - well, it's not new new. It's an external CD-RW drive I extracted from its case. Turns out they're packing internal drives in cases to make them portable. Note the IDE cable, audio, and power supply connectors...they look suspiciously familiar. ;) I accidentally took off the front trim plate one day and noticed the drive itself looked like it would fit in a 5.25" bay. It's only last night that I went so far as to test that idea. Burning should be easier now that I don't have an external piece with which to contend.

If you'd like, you can see the hi-res originals (1600 x 1200) here.

I love my antec, i got the one with 4 external 5.25, 2 external 3.5, and i think 6 internal 3.5's. I wanted the bigger one, but i couldnt find it.


you can never have enough zip ties:D

Lookin' good, much improved for sure! So you haven't gone the whole neon light route (yet), eh? I was considering the novelty idea of a clear case and lights, but in all honesty, I would never get to enjoy it, because I have it stuffed so far in the cabinet like most users. :) And yes, you can never have enough wire ties.


From the pictures I posted earlier, I think we have the same case, different color. 4x5.25" bays, and 6x3.5" drive bays. 400w PS?

Anywho, lookin good ya'll.
Oh, it's just that the low heat neon lights, lit up fans, (tri-color even), round drive cables, peep windows or clear cases seem to be the latest trend for personal gaming PC's these days..... :)