concept cars..

  • Thread starter Dose
Amongst of the MANY things I would like in GT5, I would like to see races that are designed for concept cars and cars that you can NOT race in GT4 (i.e. Prowler, Nike, etc.) What's the point to just race against yourself. This is fun to an extent, but racing against other cars would be much more fun. If this has been posted already, I apologize.

Sorry to tell you Mister Yoda, and no Mister is not a typo :sly: :lol: Anyways yea Yoda! I don't know if you realized that the link you posted is really off the topic Dose is bringing up, he doesn't want to add cars in particular, what he means is that he would like to see races in which you could use the Nike Concept Car as well as the Triathlon or however its spelled Toyota car. I quite agree with that idea of Dose, don't know if I've seen this topic up, but yea it be great to race those cars instead of just being able to Time Attack them on one or three tracks. Many would agree, great topic Dose. Welcome to GTP:tup:
Actually -- you can race those cars in GT4 -- you can enter into any of the family cup races at each of the race tracks in their respective course type areas.

Although, I would like to see completion percentage races designed for these types of cars 👍
I don't see why people rag on Concept Cars all the time. They are just that- concept cars. Many games have them. Look at the Dodge Viper GTS-R Concept Car in Sega GT and GT3, and such. The idea of a Concept Car series or championship is interesting, but I'm not really buying it. With the PS3, I doubt there will be fewer "Special Cars." The PS3 will likely be much more powerful than the PS2 and deliver in many aspects, so you may be able to have that 20-car Caterham race you've been dreaming about. Cars like the Daimler carriages are likely easy to break with car damage being considered for GT3. People wouldn't want to race Daimler carriages anyways, so I think it's better for a solo ride than trying to set speed records or test tuning options.

The Nike One (the Concept Car) and the Toyota MTRC would make interesting race series. Keep in mind that the MTRC was designed to be good on road and off road. A variety of races would be possible for the MTRC. Some concepts are quite interesting to race. I'd even look into things like hybrid concepts and things like that.

If I had to predict, more cars will be available to race against others in GT5, including the "Special Cars." And remember, a car isn't useless unless you can race it in either Arcade and/or GT modes.
The cars I want in GT5, if I start I'll never I wont go into that, but I want PD to address the fundamental flaw in the GT4 arcade mode.

The TCS problem. Im not sure if its just my settings or if this is a problem for everyone, but when I race against my brother in arcade mode with his 480hp HSC and my 530hp 350Z LM car, the thing keeps shredding its tires, smoking them with every bit of gas, and makes them impossible to control. I mean, they keep smoking their tires until 4th gear! Its insane! And I tried turning on the TCS for arcade mode, but every time I check it back after a race, its turned off!!!! It automatically turns off and its driving me nuts :grumpy: :banghead: :banghead: Anyone with a solution?

So anyways, Id like to see the TCS put on automatically for arcade mode; we can have it on for GTmode in varying degrees, why can't we have it on in arcade? Same goes for the car tuning. Why can't we tune the car before starting the race in arcade mode? Looks like the arcade mode was finished in a hurry to me :grumpy:
i think that when you sell the concept cars, you should get money and just nit nothing, that really annoyes me! like the dodge viper GTS-R concept, mine is asa fast as any other car but its not worth a penny!!!
joseph dobson
i think that when you sell the concept cars, you should get money and just nit nothing, that really annoyes me! like the dodge viper GTS-R concept, mine is asa fast as any other car but its not worth a penny!!!
HHmm.. that means anyone can go buy one right now. later guys ;). Not really realistic PD eh?
There are only two racing games I can recall which used concept cars in races:

Apex (fictional and real?, XBOX)
X-Car: Experimental Racing (fictional, PC)

I do feel in a way that if I sold a concept car, I would like to be able to maybe get money back from all the tuning. I can recall in the PC game (not the crappy PS1 version) "Sports Car GT." For example, a Porsche 911 GT1 costs about 700K Credits in the game. All of the modifications you give the car will increase the car's price. Then again, I think cars have a sale value based on 50% of its current price. For GT games since GT2, cars were mostly sold based on the starting price of the automobile is usually its original price available at 25%. So you can do the math. If a car sold for 1M Cr, then its sale price (no matter what you do with it) is going to be 1/4 or 25% of its original price. So if a car sold for 1M, you can sell it and get 250K for it. Cars cost more if you are trading from another Memory Card. The cost of the car + tuning adds up to a higher price for the car. Perhaps the car itself can sell for nothing, but the tuning would probably or should sell for half the total cost of tuning.

Maybe a reason that Concept Cars cannot be sold for any money is because many concept cars are not for sale anyways. All you end up getting is a priceless/not for sale automobile that you can own and tune. The worst selling aspect to any GT is GT1, in which all cars you've won sell for only 10K Cr, and then 12K Cr if you take it to the correct tuner.

I'm sorry I didn't have much to contribute about concept cars and race series for them in this thread. Lo siento. Gomen nasai. All I can say is that I hope Concept Car races don't end up being as challenging as the Suzuki concept car One-Make race series. It was too challenging with
EA has had concept cars, both fictional and real in a few of the NFS games. Theres a good number of racing games with concept cars in if you look around, even the Toca series has had concept cars in, since Toca touring cars 2 infact.
Yeah, I can recall racing concept cars in the Need for Speed series of games before Porsche Unleashed. NFS2 and NFS2SE featured the Ford GT90 and Ford Indigo (best car in the game despite the fact it isn't as powerful as the Class A machinery) for example. NFS3 had the Italdesign Schigera, which looked more like a futuristic Alfa Romeo. I guess I was going for concept cars that can be raced in traditional circuit racing and not arcade-style competition. ToCA Race Driver 2 featured that Coast to Coast race series with 20 Ford GT90's on the track for two races.
Touring cars 2 had the original TVR Speed 12 in, world touring cars had the Bentley Haundieres and the at the time Cerbera Speed 12 concept, Race driver had the Tuscan R, Race driver 2 had the GT90, Race driver 3 probably has a concept car somewhere but I can't remember.

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