Congress 2012 Thread

  • Thread starter Omnis


Not Even A Real Mod
Staff Emeritus
United States
Application hell
Continuing on from the Congress 2010 Thread, we now have this one for 2012. In this thread we talk about congressional elections and stuff congress does from now onwards until 2014.

In fairness, it should have been made sooner, but there were no blockbuster candidacies like Rand Paul's two years ago.

I'm looking forward to seeing where Connie Mack can unseat Bill Nelson in Florida.
Feinstein will have no trouble keeping her seat in California. As a fairly conservative voter, even I have to respect her.

Now Barbara Boxer on the other hand... :crazy:
It originally looked like Justin Amash (R-MI-3) was going to be cutting it pretty close against Petska (D) earlier tonight. After the district was re-aligned with most of the Liberal-leaning areas of Kentwood, Walker and Wyoming were pushed into the MI-2, everyone was expecting this thing to be a lock. It turned out that what was left of Kent County, and most of Grand Rapids heavily rejected Amash... He being carried by the rural areas of the district.

Very interesting, to say the least. It is probably very safe to assume that, if the district had not been redrawn, it would have gone to a Democrat.
Thank god. Amash is one of the only good ones in Congress. We NEED him.
It depends on how you look at it. Most of the people I know in the district respect him, and appreciate his transparency in his votes, but disagree with a lot of the things he supports.

What's unfortunate is that the redistricting of the state disenfranchises a pretty significant chunk of voters. They knew it was coming, the tide has been turning here in Kent County for quite some time. If they would have kept everyone together, it would have been a singular, and likely very moderate Democrat island in the middle of a sea of Red.

After we ditch the electoral college, we need to end gerrymandering as well.