Connection issues (ID = 2:0)

  • Thread starter speedrcr
United States
Anyone getting this error message:

"A connection to the server could not be established (ID=2:0)"

I get this EVERY TIME I leave a lobby after a I've raced some races.

I then have to bail out of the game (takes forever in messages at either my GT Home (GT Life) and then tells me to go to Main Menu, tries to reconnect (which takes forever and a day), then throws the same error.

I bail out of game and then it seems my connection settings are messed up. So I go back into the connection wizard, set things back up and I'm able to get back into game without connection problems.

Anyone have the same issues or any idea what's going on?:grumpy:

My connection is pretty solid with 20Mb down and 1.5Mb up and Conenction wiz gets roughly that each time I got through the connection wizard.

I've also placed the PS3 in the DMZ as well to avoid any port traffic problems. With or without DMZ settings; or even port forwarding; or not, I still get this error.
I get this error every now and then. As long as I can get on it once a day to do my trades then I am happy.
I have been getting this error message fairly consistently over the past 4-5 days as well. The weird thing is its only my account that seems to get it. My son has an account as well, and he has yet to get this connection error message...

Any solutions?
I also get this message. I have been getting it every night for the past 4-5 days. I am still signed in to the PSN but for some reason I can't connect to the gt5 servers or something. always ID=2:0
Had this.
Resetted the router, reworked my connection (now on wired).
Problem solved.
It's most likely a router problem.
Hmm 20mb, or 20mbit, you know it doesnt have to do with the connection speed, very often it hasnt, it has to do with other things. The server has been overloaded lately, and it got worse since the update.

Had this.
Resetted the router, reworked my connection (now on wired).
Problem solved.
It's most likely a router problem.
Yes there you se. Manny people bragging about they running 100mbit etc, etc, but they run wireless router with "wrong" settings, downloading other stuff while racing/hosting server, never clean the cashe...

The connection speed has little impact in online racing, since most people that plays online games (where i live) has minimum 10mbit. Its the quality of the internet that matters though, there are manny ****** providers, specially these fiber lans that manny apartments are connected to, with ****** build in modems.
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Hmm 20mb, or 20mbit, you know it doesnt have to do with the connection speed, very often it hasnt, it has to do with other things. The server has been overloaded lately, and it got worse since the update.

Yes there you se. Manny people bragging about they running 100mbit etc, etc, but they run wireless router with "wrong" settings, downloading other stuff while racing/hosting server, never clean the cashe...

The connection speed has little impact in online racing, since most people that plays online games (where i live) has minimum 10mbit. Its the quality of the internet that matters though, there are manny ****** providers, specially these fiber lans that manny apartments are connected to, with ****** build in modems.

I think the problem is the PS3 network in general. I have never had to do anything with my router to get the 360 to perform lag free on a wired connection, but have had port forward for specific games for my PS3 like GT5. The network is very user unfriendly requiring special set-ups for each game. Should be plug and play.
FYI, I practically clear the cache everytime i get this error as part of troubleshooting. Also I stated connection quality to point out its not connection and that I'm getting a pretty solid connection via PC (doing tests via and and PS3 (via connection test).

Not to mention tried several methods of deduction to make sure it wasn't my network causing the issue.

Hardware wise I use a DGL-4300 Dlink router that gives me no trouble hosting PC games both as a dedicated and non-dedicated server at times for modding in Armed Assualt 2.

There's also no downloading in the background, or connections. Wireless secured with MAC filtering so no one can snoop on my wireless.

Also stating that I use a wired connection, no wireless here....did that in the early Xbox live days using wireless bridges at 108Mb.....worked for a while till the Bridges and access points went to crap.

The usual router reset doesn't solve the problem. resetting network connection settings on the PS3 usually takes care of the trick.....resetting the router/ modem, reconfiguring wired settings, etc was tried first day of this debacle. I also try this now and then thinking that it might be the magical ah ha moment! But to no avail its not the answer!

-Also have a technical background, been working in IT for 8+ yrs, MCSE certified. So I have some decent background when it comes to the technical stuff.
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So are we suggesting the only possible way to get rid of this is to reset the router/modem? How can I empty the cache on my ps3?
So are we suggesting the only possible way to get rid of this is to reset the router/modem? How can I empty the cache on my ps3?

In-game go to Options=>Network Settings=>Clear Cache

Now mine working OK , might be a server problem in some area's .:)

I've been having the exact same problem as the OP. Only way I can reconnect with GT5 servers is to shut off the PS3 and then turn it back on. I've had GT5 since November, and never had this problem until this past week, and nothing in my internet setup has changed during this time.

Anyone know what is going on? Is the problem with PSN or maybe related to the latest patch update?
The PSN has been running a bit unsteadily for a few weeks for me at least - it appears to be the login process that is failing as I can open all the necessary websites without problem but cannot login to access remote racing at all :(
This message has NOTHING to do with your router, connection speed or anyother hardware.
Yes, reset your connection settings and maybe you get in, but I succeed also sometimes logging in without resetting anything! try 2 or three times.
I often also can't get my PSN online and when I can I get the GT5 error...

It has to do with the overload of the sony server system!
Anonymous and the DDos kids are attacking the Sony servers because they are mad that one of the Hackers was arrested for Hacking the ps3.
Remember the issue of publishing the Root Key of the PS3

Now they joined themself to attack sony and the PS3.
And we are the victim of these Kids who where taken their candy away :drool:
This message has NOTHING to do with your router, connection speed or anyother hardware.
Yes, reset your connection settings and maybe you get in, but I succeed also sometimes logging in without resetting anything! try 2 or three times.
I often also can't get my PSN online and when I can I get the GT5 error...

It has to do with the overload of the sony server system!
Anonymous and the DDos kids are attacking the Sony servers because they are mad that one of the Hackers was arrested for Hacking the ps3.
Remember the issue of publishing the Root Key of the PS3

Now they joined themself to attack sony and the PS3.
And we are the victim of these Kids who where taken their candy away :drool:
Well i agree with you that the servers has been overloaded lately, often its like that before a update, or after, some times i dont really know? Dos attacks, maybe, i dont know. One thing is sure, the implementation of online play in gt5 isnt good, and moste people can agree with that, because when they play other games, they dont encounter these problems.
I agree that it doesn't seem to be related to one's home network.

I'm fortunate to know a little bit about these things and so when faced with the ID=2.0 error I optimised the PS3's connection and made it the sole trafficker. I still get the message during about 1 session of 5. Very strange indeed.
Anyone getting this error message:

"A connection to the server could not be established (ID=2:0)"

I get this EVERY TIME I leave a lobby after a I've raced some races.

I then have to bail out of the game (takes forever in messages at either my GT Home (GT Life) and then tells me to go to Main Menu, tries to reconnect (which takes forever and a day), then throws the same error.

I bail out of game and then it seems my connection settings are messed up. So I go back into the connection wizard, set things back up and I'm able to get back into game without connection problems.

Anyone have the same issues or any idea what's going on?:grumpy:

My connection is pretty solid with 20Mb down and 1.5Mb up and Conenction wiz gets roughly that each time I got through the connection wizard.

I've also placed the PS3 in the DMZ as well to avoid any port traffic problems. With or without DMZ settings; or even port forwarding; or not, I still get this error.

It's the Obama administration, inherited from president Bush.
As an update, I was reviewing logs from my router and wireshark, found some interesting stuff.

First off there seems to be alot of traffic from China doing portscans. This is a common thing but read on.
The portscans seem to specifically target UDP ports that PSN uses (3478, 3479). On the other hand the TCP ports are pretty run of the mill though and are commonly targeted with exception of TCP 5223, the scans seem to be targetting this port as well which leads me to believe its PSN ports that are targetted.

In addition I found that my IP was targetted as well since the specific portscans happen every 20min regularly....but thats debatable as there's alot of port scanning in general for unsecured networks in the wild (why its suggested to have a router as basic and simple defense, not a complete solution or the best, but it can block some of the bad traffic out there).

I'm working with my ISP and trying to get a new external IP but that's like pulling teeth with Time Warner.

Since finding this I changed my static internal IP assignment of the PS3, and disabled DMZ for it. Also disabled the Port Forwarding in hopes to squash it. NO LUCK. Still have issues after a 30min or longer connection to a host. I tested a 10-15min connection to a race and I don't have this problem.

I thought I'd share these findings with you all in order to bypass wasting the time and effort.

Seems the easiest and quickest way to resolve the issue is save game, shutdown PS3 then power back up and go through the paces of getting back into the game.

I really hope SOE fixes this.
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So it seems that nothing posted above has seemed to fix this issue. I guess GT is dead for me until I get this fixed. The only reason I have a PS3 is for GT and here I am on my day off and i cannot even race online which I love. Not sure what to make of this, very unfortunate for myself and the other users that cannot get on.
It's related to the problems that Sony have suffered with their servers over the last couple of days. Indications are that they're suffering an escalating DDoS attack by what Sony have just named as an "unknown party".

You don't need to be a rocket surgeon to work out who that might be...

@speedrcr: You'll spot those scans on any normal sweep of attempted inbound traffic on a served line - I wouldn't draw too many conclusions about today in particular.

EDIT: This from Sony;

While we are investigating the cause of the PlayStation Network outage, we want to alert you that it may be a full day or two before we're able to get the service completely back up and running. Thank you very much for your patience while we work to resolve this matter. Please stay tuned to this space for more details, and we'll update you again as soon as we can.
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Sorry if my Update post was misleading for some, I posted the above from work and now got home to find PSN is down. Interesting....hmmm

I also found this particularly interesting though:

Well :D It seeeems that this was way over SONY's TECH guys :P

Earlier in the week, a part of the hacking collective Anonymous declared war on Sony and brought down several of the company’s sites as well as the PlayStation Network. By using a form of a DDoS attack, the group temporarily crippled Sony’s online infrastructure, but now Sony is fighting back, recruiting a specialist firm that has successfully thwarted Anonymous’ attempts.

World Leading Anti-DDoS specialists, Prolexic Technologies were brought on by Sony to stop the mass attack of the site’s servers:

Prolexic has been fighting DDoS attacks and developing “best of breed” practices and a massive global network for over 7 years. Our experience is simply unmatched.

Prolexic’s services provide online businesses with the most advanced protection available against DDoS attacks and malicious botnet activity.

Reason I find this very interesting, last night when i was performing "whois" runs on the IP's in Wireshark and router logs I came across a few IP's owned by Prolexic.

Whether these were spoofed or not, it was interesting that even last night the firm was on the scene preparing for something.

But this is all speculation at best.
@speedrcr: You'll spot those scans on any normal sweep of attempted inbound traffic on a served line - I wouldn't draw too many conclusions about today in particular.

Not when you get a string like the one I had last night

10 in a row from the same IP on the ports identical to the usual SOE.

I think its more then mere coincidence, but you are right, yea on any open line you're getting portscanned, bad addresses, etc etc.

Just merely pointing out what I found, not jumping to conclusions. Something I found interesting and possibly related.
Not when you get a string like the one I had last night

10 in a row from the same IP on the ports identical to the usual SOE.

I think its more then mere coincidence, but you are right, yea on any open line you're getting portscanned, bad addresses, etc etc.

Just merely pointing out what I found, not jumping to conclusions. Something I found interesting and possibly related.

Do keep in mind, that Sony is regularly scanning for jailbroken PS3s. They have made it clear, that they intend to find them all and perma-ban the systems from connecting to PSN. Those scans you detected could be from this plan being put into action.

Of course, it could also be hackers, but it is far less likely, IMO.
@CynicalDriver and @SpeedRcr... I think you're both probably right to an extent.

This is an interesting situation because it goes to the future of information transfer and control. I just wish it hadn't knocked my PS3 offline :D
I noticed in the last couple of days that I have seen a download complete icon on the bottom right corner of the screen flash bye.Anyone else had this happen?I was not downloading anything just kind of strange.
Ok so it sounds like you guys know what you are talking about and have some of the hardware that I only have access to at work... Long story short, I don't have wireshark, multiple, VPN signed connections, wireshark-like programs etc. what did you find when monitoring your PS3 transparently via wireshark? did you try observing pings and other activity from more than one device on your network... just curious. Nice to see educated discussion on the ol' GTP board.
Last question, I too have noticed (maybe) more of the un-solicited (and various) activity comming from the usual trouble hotspots (China, Eastern Europe, Small Island nations with loose communications and fraud enforcement and laws). However, I noticed that this activity seemed to peak when on PSN or maybe it was just sensing the open and active ports being opened and closed from a variety of ip's or when my connection was completely dead or steady (ie presumeably looking for easy targets). The Question: was this sony testing its new Counterfeit PS3 sensing technology? was It an attack from some massive entitity or firm with access to the DNS backbones in the various regions? Was it an exercise maybe to test Sonys security? some combination of all or none of the above? Facts? opinions? info?
Ok so it sounds like you guys know what you are talking about and have some of the hardware that I only have access to at work... Long story short, I don't have wireshark, multiple, VPN signed connections, wireshark-like programs etc. what did you find when monitoring your PS3 transparently via wireshark? did you try observing pings and other activity from more than one device on your network... just curious. Nice to see educated discussion on the ol' GTP board.
Last question, I too have noticed (maybe) more of the un-solicited (and various) activity comming from the usual trouble hotspots (China, Eastern Europe, Small Island nations with loose communications and fraud enforcement and laws). However, I noticed that this activity seemed to peak when on PSN or maybe it was just sensing the open and active ports being opened and closed from a variety of ip's or when my connection was completely dead or steady (ie presumeably looking for easy targets). The Question: was this sony testing its new Counterfeit PS3 sensing technology? was It an attack from some massive entitity or firm with access to the DNS backbones in the various regions? Was it an exercise maybe to test Sonys security? some combination of all or none of the above? Facts? opinions? info?
NTOP and wireshark applications were mainly used and checking my routers "information logs". No major network appliances were used as I don't have a managed switch at the house...not yet :)

Well the problem with alot of traffic from China these days is that it can be either bad traffic but also some companies in the East are off shoring there due to cheap providers and labor. Not to mention less regulation costs just so long as you work within the constraint's of China's laws. And if you know a bit about China regulations, you pump enough money their way they will let you do just about anything just as long as you don't do anything that undermines or threatens their government as Google did not so long ago when they go hacked.

So you have to decipher why and what they are trying to do as well as check to see from reporting sites if certain IP's have come up or people have complained about them. One good site is Thsi gives real good information based on the host and whether its been blacklisted etc.

On the last question, that's tough without having some inside knowledge there. They literally have the right to so I don't blame them to be honest, they are after all ultimately a profit seeking company, and are not apt to give out handouts or let people take them for granted. After all thousands of their share holders would definitely not find this appealing!

I see alot of people complain how Sony doesn't give them this or that, what do you expect a free handout? Sony is not in the business to give things for free nor let someone use their PS3 in order to use free software. If you developed your own PS3 and spent countless amounts of your budget to make something like the PS3, the games, the licenses for these games, the system, the lawyers fees, development costs, etc etc're going to want some return on that investment. It's been said that consoles are a loss leader...meaning they don't make a profit, they actually have put Sony in the r"red" territory (lost alot of money), its the games that make the profit or the special pay for features and that's why Sony is out to get anyone that can hamper them from doing so. Also take a look at the PSN model, its free! OMG if people only knew how much it costs to keep one data center afloat in one month, maybe they would understand that a bit better. They have quite a few data centers around the world that serve you and me, where as M$ makes up for that loss with Live yearly fees.

So in essence I don't blame Sony from trying to find cracked boxes which can be used with pirated software.