Contouring text/images with surfaces

United States
I know, a bad thread title. Anyway, I have a problem with Photoshop and was wondering if you guys can help. Basically I would like to be able to align images/text with uneven surfaces.

For example, say I wanted to remove the text on this image and add my own. Is there a way to get the angle right without guess and check?
It's Kinda trial and error, but I was always able to do it by 'Transform> Distort' to create the right perspective of the text/ object. There maybe other ways to attain this effect but I was always able to do it that way, so I never looked for alternatives.
It's Kinda trial and error, but I was always able to do it by 'Transform> Distort' to create the right perspective of the text/ object. There maybe other ways to attain this effect but I was always able to do it that way, so I never looked for alternatives.

Yeah, that's how I do it, but I've always found it to be a lot of guesswork. Since there's about 800 ways to do everything in PS, I was wondering if there's a more efficient way. Thanks for your response.
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Yeah, that's how I do it, but I've always found it to be a lot of guesswork. Since there's about 800 ways to do everything is PS, I was wondering if there's a more efficient way. Thanks for your response.

Also don't remove the old text, until after you create/ disort the new text. Use the old text as a reference point. Also using a small scaled Grid (with snap to on) so you can retain symmetry in your distortions. Then kill the old text, Flatten and your done.

Better than the other method of creating the new text pixel by
Also don't remove the old text, until after you create/ disort the new text. Use the old text as a reference point. Also using a small scaled Grid (with snap to on) so you can retain symmetry in your distortions. Then kill the old text, Flatten and your done.

Better than the other method of creating the new text pixel by

Wow, I never thought of keeping original text... makes a lot of sense. I think that'll help, and I'll try the grid too. 👍
first you eye drop that sign colour and you colour out the text in that area, eyedrop another spot near the text and brush in that area, if necessary, use the blur tool or clone stamp tool.

next make your text, transform>perspective. pull one of the top corners in a bit and you got what you want.

Also, you dont need to flatten images if you are going to save it as an image file, imo flattening an image is pretty useless