Controller full throttle problems?

Have GT4 on a Playstation 2. Worked flawlessly for a couple years with the original and aftermarket controllers. Now, for some reason, the throttle position indicator shows that I am not getting full throttle consistently (and the lap times are slower too). Sometimes the throttle works fine, other times it only allows between 60-80% throttle. Pretty frustrating! I thought it was a controller problem, so we purchased new controllers. But the problem persists with the new controllers as well. Any advice on what to try to fix the problem?
as far as I remember this is have to push the button a bit stronger to get full throttle... but maybe somebody else can confirm this...
I thought it was a controller problem, so we purchased new controllers. But the problem persists with the new controllers as well. Any advice on what to try to fix the problem?

New controller...

Sometimes it actually pays to read the information in the first post to avoid looking silly. ;)

If you're having problems and the controllers didn't fix it, logically it suggests therefore that the sockets that the controllers plug into are at fault, and possibly due to dirt accumulation. Have you tried to take a cotton bud or Q-tip soaked in rubbing alcohol and cleaned the contacts?