Controller Options Updated?

  • Thread starter SManZ
Hey everyone...

I purchased GT4 waaay back when it came out. Ever since the original GT, my controller settings for gas brake have been right stick down is gas, right stick up is brake.

I know its backwards from what most people do, but its what works for me. Anyways, this setting is not possible in cannot invert the right analog stick controls.

I was wondering, does the GT4 Greatest Hits edition have the invert feature for the right analog stick? If it does, I'll run out and buy it and actually play this game!

Just looking for a favor guys...can somebody with GT4 Greatest Hits edition check to see if the right analog stick controls can be inverted in the options menu?
It will mostly not be able to invert the settings...In fact, I'm nearly 100% sure it will be impossible as well :)

But then, I haven't got the Greatest Hits so what's my post worth eh? ;)