controller question

  • Thread starter linuvwen
new to xbox and forza and i see that the buttons are not able to be mapped out any way i want--

what i am asking is does that change at all later cause i would really like to use the right trigger for gas the x button for the brake and the left trigger/shoulder for up/ down shift.

i do steer with the left stick but otherthan that dont use the other functions that much.

strange layout, I use a wheel but when I do use the pad I have right trigger-throttle, left trigger-brake, x-down shift, b up shift and a for clutch
With that layout, you will be unable to take advantage of the clutch. The clutch is a major performance increase, just using it improves acceleration dramatically. You will also not be able to shut ABS off, another major performance increase you will miss out on. You will be much faster with abs off and clutch on. You should try the layout above^^.💡