Cops and Supercars

Vancouver, BC
I watched a video on Youtube.

The 458 got pulled over because he was doing around 70mph in a 50 zone. Thing is EVERYONE else was doing 70 as well.

My question is, why do cops always single out the sports cars? If you did the same speed in a mini van or a saloon, the police would just ignore you.

I find this very ignorant.
The 458 got pulled over because he was doing around 70mph in a 50 zone. Thing is EVERYONE else was doing 70 as well.

Ever go fishing?

Ever catch all the fish?

Besides, the thought process probably goes:

"That's an expensive car. Therefore, they're rich. Therefore, they're more likely to pay the fine rather than fight it."

At the end of the day he was speeding. Regardless of what anyone else was doing, he was breaking the law.

And before you ask, would I personally be doing 70 in a 50 limit if everyone else was? I might*, but I wouldn't moan about it if I was pulled over.

*Actually, I wouldn't, because fuel economy at 50 > fuel economy at 70, and I'd rather spend money on something that isn't petrol. But that's beside the point.
I didn't watch the video, I have better things to do with 10 minutes. This is what happens when everyone breaks the law. Law enforcement gets to decide who is a criminal.
My question is, why do cops always single out the sports cars?

The same reason that they single out cars with out-of-state plates. And cars with younger drivers. And cars that are newer. It usually revolves around having a better chance of getting their ticket money.
My dad got done in his XR2 in england in the same situation where people were passing him and still he was the one getting pulled over, he suspects it was because he was younger than the other drivers although he decided to play the it's because I'm Scottish card, it turns out shouting freedom! At the side of the motorway won't stop you getting a fine it may however reduce the size of said fine:).
The only time I was ever pulled over for speeding in nigh 30 years of driving was when toodling along at 60 in a 50 zone. There were people passing me, but the copper stepped out from behind a tree to flag me down.
I was only driving a Fiero. He must have thought it was an Espirit.

This discussion may also find more interest amongst real drivers here:
I definitely get more attention from the police on the bike than in the car. It makes sense though. The bike's louder, flashier, a sport bike, and I'm sure the police are just waiting for me to do something to get pulled over.
I drive a kimchi burner that would sooner fall apart than hit 80mph. It's the paramedics that pull me over.
I think that it is the situation that it will create if anything happens./didn't watch the video
Two white stripes and 120dB exhaust. How do you think they like me?

I don't think they like you lol.

I drive a kimchi burner that would sooner fall apart than hit 80mph. It's the paramedics that pull me over.


Ever go fishing?

Ever catch all the fish?

Besides, the thought process probably goes:

"That's an expensive car. Therefore, they're rich. Therefore, they're more likely to pay the fine rather than fight it."

At the end of the day he was speeding. Regardless of what anyone else was doing, he was breaking the law.

And before you ask, would I personally be doing 70 in a 50 limit if everyone else was? I might*, but I wouldn't moan about it if I was pulled over.

You most likely will follow everyone else and do 70, even if you say you won't, reason being to keep up with the flow of traffic, and avoid being tailgated. You would cause some people to speed past you in frustration, and speeding past people and weaving through traffic pisses drivers off the most.
Whos is more likely to get a ticket often, the minivan or the old guy who takes out his Ferrari on the weekends to rip up the streets?.... I rarely see drivers who own sportcars that drive casually, esp when the idiot decides to go from 45-80mph in 5 seconds on the highway onramp to showoff his acceleration.... stop ricing out in a ferrari and you wont get noticed all the time. I highly doubt the guys were filming to go to the supermarket....
Whos is more likely to get a ticket often, the minivan or the old guy who takes out his Ferrari on the weekends to rip up the streets?.... I rarely see drivers who own sportcars that drive casually, esp when the idiot decides to go from 45-80mph in 5 seconds on the highway onramp to showoff his acceleration.... stop ricing out in a ferrari and you wont get noticed all the time. I highly doubt you guys were filming to go to the supermarket....

If I owned a Ferrari, I would make sure I enjoy it without crossing the line. I would save the cocking about for track days.

And you don't "rice out" in a Ferrari. You will get noticed even if your not even trying to get noticed.

I wasn't in this video by the way.
You most likely will follow everyone else and do 70, even if you say you won't, reason being to keep up with the flow of traffic, and avoid being tailgated.

Nope. I'll be doing 55, if that's the limit; I'll be doing about 55 even if the limit's higher. If they want to pay for my fuel, sure, I'll speed up, but I'm damned if I'm paying for someone else to get somewhere 10 minutes earlier.

You would cause some people to speed past you in frustration, and speeding past people and weaving through traffic pisses drivers off the most.

I'd be in lane 1. If they're having to weave around me, why were they going so fast in the slow lane in the first place?

I dare say there's a margin of lost-in-translation here - I've never been to North America; I have no experience of driving there - but in Britain a) undertaking is illegal and b) any road of more than 2 lanes usually has a 70 limit, but have plenty of trucks in lane 1 that are limited to 60, so doing 55-60 is no problem.
Nope. I'll be doing 55, if that's the limit; I'll be doing about 55 even if the limit's higher. If they want to pay for my fuel, sure, I'll speed up, but I'm damned if I'm paying for someone else to get somewhere 10 minutes earlier.

I'd be in lane 1. If they're having to weave around me, why were they going so fast in the slow lane in the first place?

I dare say there's a margin of lost-in-translation here - I've never been to North America; I have no experience of driving there - but in Britain a) undertaking is illegal and b) any road of more than 2 lanes usually has a 70 limit, but have plenty of trucks in lane 1 that are limited to 60, so doing 55-60 is no problem.

Your right, in Canada here everyone passes me in the right lane(slow lane). There is really no point of arguing because you drive on the other side of the road, and road laws in Britian are much different.