Corner blur in Photoshop - How to do it?

Bram Turismo

Go Flying Lizards!
Yes, you know those car images where the car drives along a corner/curve. Now, most say this is achieved by the camera following the car, but I've seen others do it before. (Alexwrc, franz).

However, are there tutorials on this technique? I've been searching for 30 minutes, but I can't come up with something...

Others here that have experience? (Yes I have asked franz and alexwrc, but they're too hard for me to understand :P)
There is a stationary to motion blur tutorial by 440 Charger in the GT4 photomode forum.

I guess I'll explain it with a picture then:



You have shown a picture with motion blur. The camera follows the car so it appears stationary and the scenery in the background is blurred due to the motion.
cut the background into segments (copy, not cut; using marquee tool). use a motion and radial.

I think right on the corner, cut that piece out, stretch it so it forms a circle. radial blur and putit back the way it was.