Corner Mastering


It's a stupid idea imo. It'd be better if it wasn't so broken. like how in the world do you master the first corner at Spa? wtf. I've must have done that corner flawlessly 50 times and it won't master. And some corners you can mess up completely and it'll still say they're mastered while others, like the one at spa, if you're off by a fraction it says it isn't mastered. BLAH!
That last corner before the straightaway on Nurburgring is the only corner that hasn't been 'mastered' on my game, besides the other tracks that aren't even played on, Dakota mostly. I've 'mastered' the corner before, but it never shows up, game is broken!
The exact rules for corner mastering are:
    <!-- ----------------------------------------------- -->
    <!-- Points awarded for corner mastering and sliding -->
    <!-- ----------------------------------------------- -->
      <!-- Links to restrictions based on race type. In order for the detector to be enabled, all the restrictions must pass. -->
      <RaceTypeLink                     Name="PlayerOutsideDriftEvent" />

      <!-- Links to a scoring restriction object. -->
      <RestrictionLink                  Name="OnRoad" />
      <RestrictionLink                  Name="SomeSpeed" />

      <!-- Collisions of the specified properties will prevent sections from being mastered. -->
      <!-- Each CollisionMatch tag can have a Type attribute with a value of "vehicle", "flappable", "ground", "terrain", or "object". -->
      <!-- MinimumForce attribute, if present, specifies the minimum collision force for the impact to prevent scoring. -->
      <!-- Other flags (Impact, Scrape, StartTouch, EndTouch) can further filter the collision events. -->
      <CollisionMatch                 Type="Vehicle"     MinimumForce="100" />

      <!-- Minimum slip angle that will be considered for sliding, in degrees. -->
      <!-- If the vehicle slips during a corner this much, the corner will be considered -->
      <!-- failed, but slide scoring may be awarded. -->
      <MinimumSlipForSlide              Value="20" />

      <!-- Maximum allowed deviations from optimum in corners. -->
        <!-- Maximum allowed distance in meters from the racing line for a corner/straight to be -->
        <!-- considered successful. If the vehicle gets farther than this for even a moment, the -->
        <!-- whole track section will not be successful. -->
        <MaximumLineDistance              Value="3" />

        <!-- By how much can the speed be higher than optimum in AIW? -->
        <MaximumSpeedIncreaseKMH          Value="1000" />

        <!-- By how much can the speed be lower than optimum in AIW? -->
        <!-- Whichever of these options gives more leeway at any particular moment is used. -->
        <!-- For example, values of 30 and 0.6 means that the speed can drop by 30kmh, or by 40% (to 60%), -->
        <!-- whichever is lower. -->
        <MaximumSpeedDecreaseKMH          Value="50" />
        <MinimumSpeedFraction             Value="0.6" />

      <!-- Maximum allowed deviations from optimum on straights. -->
        <!-- Maximum allowed distance in meters from the racing line for a corner/straight to be -->
        <!-- considered successful. If the vehicle gets farther than this for even a moment, the -->
        <!-- whole track section will not be successful. -->
        <MaximumLineDistance              Value="3" />

        <!-- By how much can the speed be higher than optimum in AIW? -->
        <MaximumSpeedIncreaseKMH          Value="1000" />

        <!-- By how much can the speed be lower than optimum in AIW? -->
        <!-- Whichever of these options gives more leeway at any particular moment is used. -->
        <!-- For example, values of 30 and 0.6 means that the speed can drop by 30kmh, or by 40% (to 60%), -->
        <!-- whichever is lower. -->
        <MaximumSpeedDecreaseKMH          Value="20" />
        <MinimumSpeedFraction             Value="0.75" />

      <!-- If this value is true, all straights will be automatically considered mastered when the -->
      <!-- player drives through them. parameters. If this value is true, the *Straight* Parameters -->
      <!-- have no meaning. If this value is false, the player must follow the racing line and -->
      <!-- have the correct speed on straights in order to master the straights. -->
      <AlwaysAwardStraights             Value="yes" />

      <!-- Specifies the distance from the start, until which the detection will automatically master -->
      <!-- all sections on point-to-point tracks. -->
      <AlwaysAwardCornersOnP2PDistance  Value="150" />

      <!-- Points awarded for passing a corner section OK. -->
      <ApexTarget                       Value="Precision" />
      <ApexPoints                       Value="50" />

      <!-- The function that determines the score for corner sliding, evaluated as C + Duration * T + DurationSquared * T^2 + Quality * I + QualitySquared * I^2 -->
      <!-- where T is the time for which the player has been sliding and I is the integral of the quality of the slide. -->
      <!-- The function will not award any points for durations lower than the specified minimum time. -->
        <Target                       Value="Aggression" />
        <MinimumDuration              Value="0.15" />
        <Constant                     Value="0" />
        <Duration                     Value="15" />
        <DurationSquared              Value="0" />
        <Quality                      Value="0" />
        <QualitySquared               Value="0" />

      <!-- This parameter specifies whether multiple events of the corner sluide type that happen during a single combo -->
      <!-- will be merged together in the combo list. The age specifies the maximum age of events eligible -->
      <!-- for merging; 0 means always, non-zero means that events will be merged if the delay between the -->
      <!-- two occurences was at most that long. -->
      <SlideMergeMultipleEvents       Value="yes" />
      <SlideMergeMaximumAge           Value="1" />


The most likely reason you're not getting it marked off is because you're not driving fast enough. It's pretty easy not to hit anything or go over 20 degrees slip and hold the line if you do it slowly. That doesn't count.
Right. The Carousel at Nordshlief is the other one that I've got issues with. I've "mastered" it but it doesn't check it off....which is complete BS. But, yeah, you have to do most of them as fast as you can. The Gumpart Apollo is definately the best car for mastering corners. It handles awesomely and it's very easy to control at high speeds.
It's a stupid idea imo. It'd be better if it wasn't so broken. like how in the world do you master the first corner at Spa? wtf.

I&#8217;m trying to figure out what &#8220;it&#8221; references. I kind of think your focus is the SHIFT game because of the forum area.
I’m trying to figure out what “it” references. I kind of think your focus is the SHIFT game because of the forum area.

The Corner Mastering thing is broken. That's what I was referencing. I mean Shift is broken, too, but it's broken 'cause it's a legal-racing NFS title. I mean, track-based racing and NFS just don't go togother. Hopefully Shift 2 either kills it or makes it much, much better. But let's hope they get rid of the stupid corner mastering BS.
I guess I&#8217;m not the best sim guy to try to relate to the fake trophies or the fake corner mastering thing. I was doing it for real before they decided to make a game out of it&#8230;&#8230;lol. The only thing I can tell yah is if yah make it out of the corner without smashing into something you got a grip. If you can blaze the corner and not lose time you got a clue. If you can fly the corner and see your times fall then who cares what the game says.
I'll work at it and eventually, I will get 'em. I need it to get the platinum. (not really a hard game to platinum. You don't even need to go online. You just need 20 Epic badges which you can get off line easily enough.
The corner mastering is not broken in the game,Its very easy once you know how.
The best car to use is the Audi A4 i think it is, or the big 4 door Audi as its the most stable car in the game.
The trick is to not do any upgrades to it apart from the tires , if you upgrade the engine or suspension you only make it harder for yourself .
Some assists are also necessary , use traction control set to high and abs brakes on, and if you want to make it even easier steering assist as well , though I found it could be done easy enough without the steering assist.
The hardest one to do is the carousel at Nurburgring, this is notoriously difficult to do in the game , but becomes easy using this method.
Well, sure everything is easier when you use assists. But most of the guys on here race without assists or traction control or even abs, like me. ABS increases braking distances in the game, even though it adds SOME stability.
Well, sure everything is easier when you use assists. But most of the guys on here race without assists or traction control or even abs, like me. ABS increases braking distances in the game, even though it adds SOME stability.

Yes but you missed the point I was trying to make, I also drive this game with no assists on because its the fastest way in the game.
But if you want to complete the game to get the Platinum trophy, and get the Epic badges, the method I described is the only way, as a couple of the corner ticks on certain tracks are imposible to get any other way.