
  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City

Pick a random opinion that you are in extreme disagreement with and argue it to the best of your ability (even though you completely disagree).

I’ll start out by arguing that golf is the best sport (yeeeck!).

Golf is clearly better than any other sport. In other sports you have to wait around for a point. In some sports there are only a handful of points per game. Not in golf. Every hole is several shots and in each shot you can see the leader fall behind or get ahead. That makes it more exciting than say… soccer or hockey.

At any moment in golf someone can make a great play and get back in the game. But you can also see real progress. For example, if the leader is ahead by 4 strokes with 3 holes left, he’s probably going to win. This way, hard work throughout the game is rewarded. In football your team can be waaaay ahead and should have the game wrapped up, but some series of crazy events can happen at the last minute to turn the game on it’s ear. That doesn’t reward the team that plays the most consistently throughout the game.

Golf also has great scenery. Golf courses are so much pretty than football or soccer fields.

Golf is one of the most civil games played, the players adhere to a strict honor code. You don’t have to worry about bad referee calls in golf!

You can play golf even when you’re over the hill. That way if you like a particular player, you’re probably going to be able to see that player for a really long time.

Golf is one of the oldest games in existence that gets regular national coverage. It dates back to waaaay before football, baseball or basketball. That heritage makes the game all the more impressive to watch.

Fashion. Those golf players always wear the snazziest clothes.

It doesn’t give you a headache because the announcers keep their voices low.

Finally, golf is a game that not just anyone can be decent at right away. Look at basketball, most people can make a basket. How many people can even tee off a golf ball in remotely the right direction? You can’t really have respect for a game that most people can play.

So, in conclusion, I think that it is clear that golf is the best sport ever.

Whew. Man that was hard! I don’t think I did a very convincing job. I’ll have to try another opinion later.
Michael Moore is a genius. His words of wisdom have set me straight. I once thought that it was one's own responsibility when he shot up a school. With his help, I have seen the error in my ways. I now know that it is George Bush's fault.

I used to think Roger Smith was a nice guy for employing all the citizens of Flint Michigan. But after watching Roger & Me, I soon realized that he is an evil man who reminds me of the devil and/or the American government.

Capitalism sucks. I now know this to be a truth thanks to the big man, Michael Moore. At one point in my childhood I thought capitalism was a darn fair system, but I can see how people make money off other people by employing them and forcing them to work for just middle-class salaries. What a fool I was.

Thank you Michael Moore.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Michael Moore is a genius. His words of wisdom have set me straight. I once thought that it was one's own responsibility when he shot up a school. With his help, I have seen the error in my ways. I now know that it is George Bush's fault.

I used to think Roger Smith was a nice guy for employing all the citizens of Flint Michigan. But after watching Roger & Me, I soon realized that he is an evil man who reminds me of the devil and/or the American government.

Capitalism sucks. I now know this to be a truth thanks to the big man, Michael Moore. At one point in my childhood I thought capitalism was a darn fair system, but I can see how people make money off other people by employing them and forcing them to work for just middle-class salaries. What a fool I was.

Thank you Michael Moore.

:lol: Bravo.
Seconding Klos, I really appreciate the outstanding leftist argument in defense of Moore, that others are just too niave to understand that using people is ok when Moore does it. I realise it, but not those damn fascists. Bless Moore.
God, I do love Karaoke.

What could fill one's day better than to sit and hear your friends belt out words that might slightly resemble the lyrics to Louis Louis?

To sit at a restaraunt and be fortunate enough to hear your chipper neighbor put her voice into song.

The delightful audience, so non-judgemental, cheering the singers on.

Oh, what joy it is to be a test ear for the natural talent of everyone else.

Bless this form of expression.
Drifting is the best form of auto racing and requires a greater level of skill than all other motorsport disciplines.

It requires more skill because it is harder to exceed traction in a corner rather than maintain traction in a corner. The degree of car control a drifter has is much more impressive than a LMP or F1 driver because the car is on the edge all the time.

Plus, it looks a lot more exciting because the cars are sideways with just a few inches to spare. It is easier to enjoy because you can plainly see who is more interesting to watch. You don't have to keep up with all these little details like fuel consumption, pit strategy, aerodynamic and chassis trade-offs, weather, and so forth. These details just get in the way of enjoying the show.

Drifting is based on popular opinion, rather than empirical fact. If you wow a crowd at a drift meet, you have a good chance of being judged the winner. The judges will always take into account style and flair. Someone who is techically better can loose to someone who has more charisma and charm. This is very important because looking good and being popular is central to being young and cool.

In other forms of motorsports, the winner just has to be the fastest. He doesn't even need to have the coolest car. He can be an ass and drive a car no one likes, but he can still win.. that's not very fair, is it?

Drifting is better simply because its new and from Japan. Everyone knows that anything new, thought up by the younger generation must be better than what came before it. It makes a lot of sense that people who have less life experience comes up with better stuff than people with a lot more, because we're not biased by what we've learned.

Did I mention its from Japan?

"Temptation Island" is a very imaginative and inuitive (sp?) show that appeals to all audiences. I think that it is absolutely necessary to find out if your loved one is loyal or not and the best way of doing this is by placing them on an island with paid sluts.
Ok I suck huge ass at this and mine's more sarky than counterpoint but hey the show is complete crap.
Hahahah, actually, you were fine until you blew your cover at the end there.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Someone who is techically better can lose to someone who has more charisma and charm.
Bravo, ///M-Spec! Just as good as Klos skewering Michael Moore above.

Though I have to say this bit you stated here sounds like Formula 1 to me...
uumm, 911_Carrera is really annoying in school, needs to learn to SHUT UP, stop taking the mick, showing off, assaulting danielle and get better that effort :lol:
Originally posted by ExigeExcel
uumm, 911_Carrera is really annoying in school, needs to learn to SHUT UP, stop taking the mick, showing off, assaulting danielle and get better that effort :lol:

What the hell does that have to do with anything?
dude football is the best sport. no not that crappy futball. what a load of crap. soccar sucks. i dont mind basketball. though the only time i watch it is during playoffs. same with baseball. i dont watch hockey. its a rougher sport than football but i just dont like it. i love football. i watch every game that plays on TV. i like college too. its more enteraining than pro most of the time. ive also gotten into tennis. that is fun to watch. if u get two good people goin back and forth. but football is the best in my opinion.
The Saab 9-3 Convertable is not overpriced. Its a very nice looking sporty car from a reputable brand. For $39,000, or $42,000 for the Aero, it's a fine price for such a car. It comes with Climate Control, electric mirrors and windows, memory settings, heat-absorbing glass and dash, console and rear cupholders. It has a 210 HP 2.0 Turbo engine, which is more that powerful enough for this expensive of a car. It has Electronic Stability control, ABS, and TCS. A standard five speed comes with the base trim, and a six speed comes with the Aero. It has standard CD player, and an optional Onstar hands-free phone (standard on the $3,000 more Aero). It also comes with front and side airbags, active roll-over protection, and optional xenon headlamps. All these standard features for only $39-42,000? What a deal!
Originally posted by neon_duke
Bravo, ///M-Spec! Just as good as Klos skewering Michael Moore above.

Though I have to say this bit you stated here sounds like Formula 1 to me...

Thanks :) But I thinks maybe this one is closer to the Formula One truth:

Originally posted by ///M-Spec
He can be an ass and drive a car no one likes, but he can still win.

SUV owners are a cancerous tumor on the ass of the world. They drive their gas guzzling beasts down the road with no concern whatsoever for the other drivers on the road – why should they have concern, they know that if they get into a wreck they’ll be fine, sure whoever they hit will be dead, but who cares about him?

The H2 Hummer gets a disgusting 10-13 mpg. Do the people who buy these things have no concern for our natural resources, our dependency on foreign oil, or the quality of our air? Who cares if they can afford the gas? We have to be more responsible than that as a society.

And what do people need these monster SUVs for (other than to take up 2 parking spots)? Oh look at me I’m a soccer mom. I have to have an SUV so that I can take my kids to soccer practice. It’s not like I could fit all their gear in the trunk of a normal car and put the kids in the back seat. Nobody takes these things off-road either. They’re used like minivans - big expensive loud, dangerous, gas guzzing minivans.

The people that make the SUV’s are just as at fault. They have no concern for the safety of others. It’s common knowledge that SUV’s are so top heavy that people are rolling them all the time. The Ford Exploder isn’t the only one, all of the SUV’s are dangerous. But I’m not nearly as concerned about the safety of the driver as I am for the people around them - the small, practical, environmentally conscious cars that these monster trucks are rolling over.

What’s worse is that now these SUV owners are causing the deaths of countless innocent Iraqis. Everyone knows that President Bush the war monger would never have gone to war with Iraq if he didn’t want to steal their oil. They have the third largest oil reserve in the world, I don’t think I need to say any more than that. Bush wouldn’t want to steal oil if the republicans that voted for him didn’t want him to reduce oil prices so badly, which is because they have to pay for all the gas that their monster SUVs suck down.

In summary SUV owners are responsible for the following:

Air Pollution
Traffic Deaths
Oil Prices
The war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and 9/11
All that is soulless and wrong
and last but not least…

the death of the king, Elvis Presley.
Actually, I couldn't find the irony until the last couple of paragraphs.
Christianity is the best religion ever! It's so user friendly, EVERYONE can join, it's just like using Windows. (which of course means there are many bugs throughout the entire thing). But come on, all you gotta do is believe, and whoof! Youre into heaven! How great is that? You dont have to go to church, pray, or do any of that stupid stuff. just believe that christ is your savior, and thats it!

Ok fine...that really sucked...stupid christianity.
Parents should never monitor what their children do online.

Children should be allowed to lie, steal, curse, look at pornography, and view images of dead and mangled people. Why? Because I wouldn't want to take away their freedoms, nor have to bother explaining to them difficult issues about any of the aforementioned subjects.

Children should be allowed to continue to use poor grammar, be lazy, and learn things that are not true. Parents shouldn't step in on thier fun, because by allowing them complete freedom to everything, children will learn about the world.

Most of all, it's quite necessary for children to post nonsence repeatedly, bceause it impoves their self-worth, inflates their ego, and continues to make everyone else but the parents at blame for anything that may happen to them. Plus, it's everyone else's fault, anyhow.

(There, that was terrible...but what do you want? I never took debate in school.)
Actually, I couldn't find the irony until the last couple of paragraphs.

Care to post your anti-thoughts on SUV's Duke? I'm really hoping to get a whole anti-argument going.

The point of this thread isn't to make the posts funny (although, that certainly is fun) - it's to actually try to make a good argument. So the fact that you couldn't find the irony means I did a good job. :)

You're right though, I did indulge a bit towards the end.
i dont mind SUV's. its just the crappy little ones with 4 cylinders and front wheel drive that u cant even take out on a dirt road that i dont like. those are baisically minivans that are a little sportier. but the ones that are 4 wheel drive and have some nice mud tires that people dont just use to drive thier kids to school and isnt afraid to get it a little dirty are the ones i like. if i have me a spare 80k i would buy a hummer 1 and it would always be muddy. i dont care about the paint job.
i dont mind SUV's. its just the crappy little ones with 4 cylinders and front wheel drive that u cant even take out on a dirt road that i dont like

I'm guessing this is what you really think about SUV's. Let me know if this is your counter argument and that you actually hate SUV's. Otherwise I'd refer you to my original post about the point of this thread.
Originally posted by danoff
I'm guessing this is what you really think about SUV's. Let me know if this is your counter argument and that you actually hate SUV's. Otherwise I'd refer you to my original post about the point of this thread.

like i said it depends. if it has a V8 and 4 wheel drive i like it. otherwise its just a minivan that sits a few inches higher.
There has been a lot of talk lately on this message board about religion – which one is right? How do you know it’s right? Some have claimed that religion is contrived - that man must have made it up to make himself feel better.

The answer to the question “What makes Christianity better than other religions?” can be found in the Bible. The Bible tells us the story of Jesus Christ, the savior sent to earth from God to bring us closer to Him. No one can question the presence of Jesus in mankind’s history. He forever marked human history with his words. The truth is that Jesus Christ existed on Earth. What is questioned is whether Jesus was indeed the son of God, and this is the easiest of all questions to answer. Absolutely! How could he have lived a life without sin if he were just a man? The bible tells us that Jesus was resurrected after being crucified; no mortal man could have accomplished this feat. Jesus performed countless miracles during his time on earth, and still we do not believe? It is all documented in the bible – the one tale that has stood the test of time - the tale that has lasted centuries and captured the minds and hearts of millions, perhaps billions, of open minded, open hearted individuals over the many years. What other religions have such a rich history? What other religions can factually prove that their savior existed and have the word of God to validate their faith? Other religions may claim that they know the way, but if you follow your heart, you’ll know that they are false.

People have claimed that religion is made up. But how can they ignore the evidence of the existence of God? Science has no explanation for why we are here. If you ask an evolutionist where matter comes from, the answer is clear to everyone – a creator put the universe in motion. Scientists will use their worldly methods of determining the ages of rocks and tell you that the bible is wrong when it tells us how old the earth is, how do they know? They weren’t there! How can you ever tell if your dating method works past a few hundred years? They have no way to validate data from rocks they claim to be millions of years old. In order to test your method you need a control sample. They have none. They have no rock that they know beforehand is exactly 1.732 million years old so that they can validate their methods. Even if they could validate their claim that the earth is older than it says in the bible perhaps it is written from the point of view of God. One day to him is not the same as a day to us. The bible also has deeper meaning than just the surface of the words. The bible is not meant to be taken literally, rather, it is meant to be understood on a profound level.

The scientists will tell you that a being as miraculous and divinely inspired as humans could have come from such a low life form as an orangutan. How preposterous! Human beings have such complex brains and thoughts. Is a monkey capable of accepting the Lord into his life? It is clear that human beings are a species like no other on this planet.

What about the fact that we can even conceive of God? Human beings are flawed mortal creatures who somehow have an insight into the flawless and immortal. How could this be so if it were not imprinted on us by the hand of the divine? Humans think in terms of what they have experienced. How could they conceive of God if they had not somehow experienced it?

The scientists will cling to their books written by man. The believers among us will know that it is only our book, inspired by God that is the Way. Has humanity become so arrogant that we can no longer open our hearts to the truth? Have we deified ourselves so much that we believe we can conceive of something as awesome as the creation of reality? The human brain is an amazing tool (evidence of creation) but we must not forget the most awesome power that human beings posses - the miraculous power of faith and love.
It’s time that America face up to the fact that Iraq was a mistake. The evidence clearly shows that Saddam Hussein in fact had not weapons of mass destruction – the main reason for going to war – and so America has invaded an innocent country for no reason. Because of that they are acting no better than Hitler did leading up to and during WWII.

America was attacked by Al Qaeda not Saddam. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 and so should not bear the consequences. Al Qaeda certainly committed a very violent crime against America, but let’s look at the events leading up to that. Nobody just goes and attacks another country without provocation. Al Qaeda was provoked by America because of America’s involvement with Israel. It’s America’s unconditional support of Israel that fuels their fire and they are lashing out in the only way they know how to get our attention.

The proper response to 9/11 is not this barbaric attack to try to wipe out everyone with brow skin and take their oil. The proper response is diplomacy (something Bush is clearly not good at because he couldn’t get France and Germany to join us in Iraq). Has Bush ever tried to sit down and reason with Bin Laden? No. Has he ever tried to work with Al Qaeda address their grievances with America? No. His answer to all conflicts is to drop bombs and kill people.

The end result is more terrorists, not fewer. How could going over there and killing the terrorists end up with fewer terrorists? It’s only going to make them hate America more. Iraq was a perfectly fine country before we went over there and messed things up. That’s why so many of the Iraqis are begging for Saddam to come back – he gave them something they enjoyed – stability. Now America is over there trying once again to solve problems with their guns and creating even more hatred. If Bush is allowed to maintain his present course of ignoring the rest of the world (France, German, Russia, etc. etc. etc.) refusing to use diplomacy (Saddam, Bin Laden), and refusing to address real concerns (North Korea, Iran), while wrecking our economy (Enron, Health Care, etc.), America will be in shambles before he leaves office.

Vote Kerry.

And remember, somebody please think of the children!
Hey danoff, you're getting real good at this! You still drop it a bit in the last paragraph, but other than that, like the SUV one, you were totally convincing. :) I'll do my best to come up with a good reply, but it will be tough.

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