- 34,109
- Mile High City
Pick a random opinion that you are in extreme disagreement with and argue it to the best of your ability (even though you completely disagree).
Ill start out by arguing that golf is the best sport (yeeeck!).
Golf is clearly better than any other sport. In other sports you have to wait around for a point. In some sports there are only a handful of points per game. Not in golf. Every hole is several shots and in each shot you can see the leader fall behind or get ahead. That makes it more exciting than say soccer or hockey.
At any moment in golf someone can make a great play and get back in the game. But you can also see real progress. For example, if the leader is ahead by 4 strokes with 3 holes left, hes probably going to win. This way, hard work throughout the game is rewarded. In football your team can be waaaay ahead and should have the game wrapped up, but some series of crazy events can happen at the last minute to turn the game on its ear. That doesnt reward the team that plays the most consistently throughout the game.
Golf also has great scenery. Golf courses are so much pretty than football or soccer fields.
Golf is one of the most civil games played, the players adhere to a strict honor code. You dont have to worry about bad referee calls in golf!
You can play golf even when youre over the hill. That way if you like a particular player, youre probably going to be able to see that player for a really long time.
Golf is one of the oldest games in existence that gets regular national coverage. It dates back to waaaay before football, baseball or basketball. That heritage makes the game all the more impressive to watch.
Fashion. Those golf players always wear the snazziest clothes.
It doesnt give you a headache because the announcers keep their voices low.
Finally, golf is a game that not just anyone can be decent at right away. Look at basketball, most people can make a basket. How many people can even tee off a golf ball in remotely the right direction? You cant really have respect for a game that most people can play.
So, in conclusion, I think that it is clear that golf is the best sport ever.
Whew. Man that was hard! I dont think I did a very convincing job. Ill have to try another opinion later.