claim to not believe anything and then in the next breath dismiss all religions as harmful; that is a belief and a very narrow-minded one at that
You have to understand first what the very concept and definition of the word
belief is and you will better understand.
belief [bɪˈliːf]
1. a principle, proposition, idea, etc.,
accepted as true
"if it's there it doesn't require your belief- and if it's not there
why should you believe in it?"
Yes harmful to the mind, harmful to the gift of free thinking. A religion doesn't allow for any other belief, and that is a truly toxic way of thinking.
That correct cultural operating system would be to run a thought process of an open mind, open to any and all views and trains of thought, by it's very nature religion excludes other ways of thinking.
That is not a belief, a belief is something that you don't know is real so you have to just believe in it, my thought process isn't a belief if you break it down.
Fact. We do have the gift of free thinking. That's not a belief that's a reality. See? To choose to throw away that free thinking mind for a thought process that excludes all others is toxic and harmful in the long run yes.
Blindly follow the teachings?
That defeats the purpose of his very message.
Everything you know is from direct experience, anything else is unconfirmed rumour.
I watched maybe 10 or 20 of his videos on Psychedelic plant use, Ayahusaca, Psilocybin, DMT etc.. He talks about some very very strange things that happen whilst on these things that i thought was a whole bunch of bs garbage to be honest.. About how you could feel the prescence of mother nature etc..
His philosophy was don't just listen to him tell you, experience it for yourself and make up your own mind of what you think of the experience.
So i did, i researched what Mushrooms containing Psiliocybin looked like, found them and took them in day time, in the safety of my back yard, in nature and just observed..
You realise how utterly useless the human oral language is after an experience like that, as we just don't have the words to describe it. You realise language holds us back from expressing our real ideas.
When you say to someone you love them, that doesn't really mean much it's such a broad term that has endless meaning and intensity's of love, however when you do acts constantly to show that person you love them, that love is conveyed in a very different more sub conscious way..
Your not naked when you take your clothes off, your not truly naked in the sense of the word. You still wear your hopes,your fears,your dreams,your ambittions,your hatred,your love,your worries. What i noticed when i took psilocybin was that ALL of these are just stripped away, you have no connection to the feelings of everyday life it is really really rather bizarre, and as i said earlier the human language just can't describe this other than direct experience.
When your on a psychedelic experience you realise the reason you think you can hear this thing talking that feels like "mother nature" (because it feels like your being hugged from 1000 different directions) absolute cuckoo sounding i know, but trust me i was blown away. You realise it's not verbally talking to you, it's kind of visually through the psychedelic experience nature literally does things, shows you things physically to show you what it means, i think the entire message of the psychedelic experience is that nature seeks to communicate.
I realised you are missing out on a bit part of life if you didnt experience these things that occur naturally at least once in your life,
it's like going through your whole life without discovering sex, if you discovered it when you were 50 you would be thinking " how the hell did i not know this wonderful thing existed" How did people hide this from me?
2min 10sec lol.
" Nothing has been proven bad against psychedelics other than they give you funny thoughts "
"The LD50 (lethal dose in 50% of rats) is
400times the effective dosage, this is a pharmacological way of saying this is a very very safe drug"