Custom cop car/monster perennial...

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Homemade heheh:

copcar modifications:

lowered the body of the car
stiffer shocks
slightly smaller tires
custom rims
custom blue lights
invincible (except of flipping. though it would be cool if i made cops tougher:D))

perennial mods:

raised the body
stiffer shocks
larger tires
custom paint job (black, fire truck red, and a cop car-ish blue, from early screenshots of the cop cars)
Rims off the light trucks in the game (same rims as the bobcat, mule, yankee...)
weight increased (weights as much as a the armored car)
same damage resistance as the enforcer
4 wheel drive

heheh, what should i do now?

here's the pic
Heres the correct/proper file format pic...


  • police-peren.jpg
    47.5 KB · Views: 76
side pernenial -notice the karuma behind it, they used to be the same height.

I think i can actually drive a banshee under the perenial with out damaging either


  • preen2.jpg
    47.2 KB · Views: 75
Trust me, you might think that shelling out 50 bucks for a game that you already have is worthless, but it is not!

buy it again, but do you self a favor, and get a controller that looks like the ps2 controller, it helps:D i havent been able to get the dual sticks to work like they do in gta3ps2, but everythin else is the same:D

Btw, i modded the cars some more, the cop car now has red and blue lights, and the tailgate, or hatchback on the perennial now says GTP:D:D
Awsome Space! Too bad I don't have GTA3 on PC...

BTW, nice GTP paint on the back!
so thats not on GTA3!? and how did you did it is it another Sharkport Gameshark thing? and thx for making a better pic that cop car had a messed up bumber :lol: and i got to hand it to you that cop car would be my choice instead of the perennial or if im wrong on the spelling sorry.