Customised Competition - Week 1 - CLOSED

  • Thread starter in.s@ne

Week 1



Cars: Any car Pre 1970
Track: Any
Photo Travel: Yes
Poll Size: --
Explanation: Simple theme, I want to see old cars presented nicely
Emulate: PMC
Edit Rule: PMC


August, 8th


  • You may submit one entry. It must be your own work and not previously entered in a competition.
  • You may only change your entry once. When changing it, indicate clearly (please, when doing this, edit your post with your new entry, do not submit a new post with a new entry)
  • Please mark your Final Entry clearly in RED.
  • Your entry may not exceed the poll character limit. (5 characters are enough to name your image). If your entry exceeds it, the link to the full size image, will be removed.
  • We recommend you use a free image hosting service such as or
  • You must post your entry either as a thumbnail, or as a preview linked to the full image - see here for instructions .
  • Previews should be no larger than 400 pixels along the longest side - be it vertical or horizontal - and should not have more or less effects than the full size image.
  • Photos must be taken from a normal version of GT4, do not use any cheats or Game Shark codes to modify the game content.
  • Please do not ask other members to choose your entry. Have confidence in your own skills and go with your favorite shot.
  • The theme chooser cannot enter the competition he is judging.
Allowed image enhancements:
  • You may adjust brightness, contrast and gamma values.
  • You may rotate, crop and resize the image.
  • You may add a border and signature to your entry.
  • You may NOT adjust levels, hue, saturation, curves or sharpen the image.
  • You may NOT use filters, blurs or layers on your entry.
  • You may NOT add any elements to the original photo.
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Good to see this comp up, will see what i can whip up :)
Nice banners, got an almost glowing effect. Nothing too, uh, insane for week 1, I should have something this weekend.

btw- Customised should be spelled "Customized", well unless your using a custom spelling too, lol.
Customised is spelled in a non-American English; therefore is correct; only we in the states spell it with a Z.

I am confused as to what you're supposed to do in this comp though; anybody wanna put it in layman's terms for me? For example, what it being cusotmised?
I have to go along with suzy here, I don't get what's supposed to be done in this comp. What's it about?

And I agree the banners are really great, very nice indeed. 👍
Woot! My Ford GT image is in one of them! :D

Also on the banners, awesome idea in having the original makers' names in them. thanks a lot on my part :bowdown:
^^ Thanks. 👍

It partially explains somewhat something which I still couldn't quite grasp, yeah. :lol:
Even if it did explain everything extremely well, there should (imo, of course) be an explanation on the comp itself about what's intended.
If I understood half correctly, the winner get to choose a bunch of stuff for the following week, like types of shots, cars, tracks, editing rules, etc., right?

If it's correct (even if it's not) it's the kind of thing that's missing on the 1st post. Not wrong, just missing. The way it is now, and for anyone that hasn't read the thread MinoltaMan89 linked to, it's like a void.
Customised is spelled in a non-American English; therefore is correct; only we in the states spell it with a Z.

Okay I was unaware of that, It still comes up as a misspelling on my spell-check. I see it must be a 'US English-only' spell-checker...

I am confused as to what you're supposed to do in this comp though; anybody wanna put it in layman's terms for me? For example, what it being cusotmised?

Simplified, the competition is customizable to the theme chooser (winner of prev. week). Mainly this comp isn't bound, week to week, to any edit rule set, this week uses PMC rule set, next week may be a free-edit, [2.0], or something completely different chosen by the winner. Hope this helps...
Final Entry

Stop talking, start entering! :D
Allow me to explain.

This competition is like the winner’s wet dream or his personal nightmare…

It’s like a normal competition but with more perks to the judge/theme chooser.

GrupEone said part of the real deal, unedited, PMC, 2.0, free edit rules type? Yeah sure why not. But the full potential of this competition comes with it’s fine tune, like the Custom Edit Rules (if you want to customise yourself, limit things a little), and the Emulation feature, that lets you emulate any competition.
Let’s say, you want to see a battle between the front and the back of any car, if you want, you can emulate the Head to Head competition, but have a custome rule set, that you want to choose.

Or, you give a the theme like Black and White, and choose to emulate Scenery Competition, that means you want to see Black and White scenery shots.

You can customise everything (except for the General Rules).

Great to see you back Beerz and Suzq
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Great shots from everyone so far, interesting to see the amount of Grayscale shots.

And thank you Luis for the explanation!
Final Entry

oh... i´ve chosen the same car as you, GrumpEone, oh well i didn´t recognize before...:indiff:
oh... i´ve chosen the same car as you, GrumpEone, oh well i didn´t recognize before...:indiff:

How dare you... steal my car and paint it
Don't you hate that, take all that time shooting and touching up, then you post it, and realize it's already been used. I had the same thing happen in unedited 56, not the same car but the same spot on the track.

btw- Nice motion shot...
Maybe turn your screen brighter, i can see where you've lasso'd in the 2.0 version man :)
The back end of that Z-28 looks so....weird....

So i heck for my copy of GT4....turns out my dad threw it out...FML....