Daihatsu Midget D Type race

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im having several troubles entering that race, i need to have a Midget vehicle and then i look in the Classics of the Daihatsu cars, it has a Midget there but its not for sale so i cant buy it :nervous:... how am i supposed to get that Midget?

let me know asap!
The Midget you need is in the late 90's used car lot.
When Duke said:

How about searching for it? This question has been asked and answered many many times. Plus, in those conveniently-titled "READ THIS:" threads, there are links to car availability lists. Plus, there's the GTP wiki/guide that also shows where cars are available.

GTP helps those that help themselves.

Was there some way to interpret that as "start a whole new thread asking the same thing"?

Only I can't see it myself.

Incidentally, you've now asked the same question 3 times in 3 different threads. That won't do much by way of amusing the moderators...
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