Got 30k credits from a four-star workout ticket, and then for the login campaign, I collected the six-star parts ticket and won an Ultra High RPM Turbo for the 13B engine, so that’s pretty nice. (I would’ve preferred the same part for the Chiron’s engine, though, or better yet, any stage 5 weight reduction.)
EDIT: When I collect that six-star engine ticket for the login campaign, I’m personally hoping to get one of the most expensive engines. More specifically, either one of the Group C engines or the one from the Chiron. Now granted, I’ve won all of these engines previously except for the one from the XJR-9, but barring that particular one, the other three engines have multiple cars they can go into, so it’d be an especially wonderful way for me to save at least a million credits if I were to win one of these.
If anyone’s curious, I put my first R92CP engine into an R34 GT-R V-Spec II Nür, my first 787B engine into an RX-8 Spirit R, and my first Chiron engine into a 2017 GT-R Nismo. If I win a second one of these three, I’d likely put them into an R33 GT-R, a Mazda3, and a 2013 Viper respectively.