Damage options

  • Thread starter Ajgrizzle
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Please can someone explain the damage options. Obviously visual only is as it states. What I don't understand is full damage, the next option is mechanical faults. So can I have full damage with mech faults off. All a bit confusing. Surely full damage would include mech faults? And can what is the diffence between performance impacting and full damage. A game with so many options should give a description as to what it is does, that aside its a quality game. Thanks
Full damage is everything can go wrong - including blown engines and everything else as well as visual damage on top of that.
To be honest, the damage model is kinda meh. I crashed into a concrete Wall high speed with 100% Damage = visualy only bumper bend. That's it...
Really? When I did that, the steering went funny with broken suspension and the engine was hardly pulling any more.