Damage-People confused.

United Kingdom
Not on this planet!
I'd rather burn the $$.
I see alot of people that are confused about damage in GT5-K Yamauchi is said to have said in this post:https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=95004

That there will be damage in the Race Cars this would make sense because manufacurers don't worry about their race cars in crashes in games because it just happens anyway and wouldn't give tham bad rep- in other words there are less licencing issues for racecars than road cars, that is why games like Test Drive Unlimited do not have damage and are limited to not being able to roll- I just brought another question on there, Will the damage allowed cars be able to roll? Anyway back to the damage subject, the damage issues on race cars with the manufacturers is virtually non existent so there may be damage in Just Race Cars and not road cars. What do you think? :)
I think most likely that'll end up happening unless PD can somehow work their way asking the companies can they allowed their cars to be destroyed in the real driving simulator :crazy: but as you can see, that statement doesn't sound too pleasing ;) but even still, i'd rather the best physics engine and gameplay rather then detail and graphics. Yeah it's nice to have one of the clearest and most realistic games out there but in the end, "Don't judge a book by it's cover" :dunce: I just know PD won't disappoint me either way :) big GT fan :dopey:
I see what you mean having ultra relistic physics, IE: drive a CLR-GTR Behind A GT-One at leMans = Big airtime that would be alot cooler than some extra polgons:crazy: I also know a game as an example of this : Rigs Of Rods it's free and downloadable, gets updated gradually, and it has some real good physics.👍
I won't be surprised if this thread got locked or moved....

But since were into the topic,i could at least give some opinions. Damage isn't easy to make.Sure there is the normal (and dull) visual damage that you see in most racing games,and theres the damage physics that could affect the car (being perfected by Codemasters)

But for GT, damage physics in their game is a whole another ball game.Having superior graphic and polygons,not only do they have to model each car to have an accurate damage physics and to actually affect the car in each and every way.I know PD would always go for perfection so don't count on them just to put some "lame" damage physics that we all see right now.It maybe some revolutionary damage physics engine that put other racing games to shame.

But about the license thing, is it so important for the manufacturers to keep it a secret? There's already a lot of road accidents to prove the cars safety.Why don't they put it in a video game to teach people on road safety or something.Giving license for a damage on their car not only make the game more fun,but to show that their car is safe! What i don't get is that why movies always have tons of car crash but why not video games? This is a conspiracy.....
I don't get why K man said there will be damage for race cars, since it makes alot of sense and he only would have said if they were allready developing.
Firstly I just want to see ANY damage on any of GT's videos and pictures!! I really am starting to worry it will be axed AGAIN! :grumpy:
If anyone from PD is reading this, this is what needs to happen when a car crashes in GT...

I was just wondering something aswell. Why are the cars in Forza Motorsport allowed to have damage, while the ones in GT are not?
Hmm maybe it is just the choice of the developer, maybe there will be damage, maybe there won't. Personally I don't mind if it gets axed, I don't ming GT without damage, even though it would be better.
It's licensing, GT4 had a lot more cars than Forza, the problems come when different manufacturers will allow different degrees of damage as a maximum. You then have to bring all the cars down to the level that meets the mininmum any car represented is allowed. I do see Kaz's point about not being able to do it properly and they really arn't allowed to, but I'd rather Forza 2 like visual damage with a fantastic mechanical damage model than nothing at all.
Situation has changed since the first GT, and the reputation of the series makes PD much stronger in negotiation than they were 10 years ago.
And the PS3 is said to have enough power to properly render damage.
I don't see a reason why GT5 wouldn't feature any damage at all.

Visual damage could be kept low for licensing issues, as is it in Forza 2, but mechanical damage should be fully implemented.
Another reason why damage would be good is in online mode- No one will wall ride or smash into other cars if they really want to win.
It's the same situation in offline mode. I used to be rather un-cautious while racing against AI cars in GT3 or GT4.
I drive much more carefully now in Forza 2. It already happened to me on lap 6 of an 8-lapper to enter a turn too fast, lose grip on the rear and smash the wing against the wall. I entirely lost the 2 miles gap I had been building over 6 laps and finished dead last.
That's happened to me a few times on the New York track, lose your concentration for a fraction of a second when your approaching the braking points on the big straights and your car is dead.
My question is how are they going to implement damage to the race cars only but not road cars? This would mean that the road and race cars would have to be kept seperated on all types of racing, even multiplayer races. I don't see how it would work if I pick a highly modified road car and a friend of mine picks a race car to race against me and we both accidentally overshoot a corner, slamming into a wall. I would be able to keep on racing with absolutely no penalties at all while his car is completely destroyed?

I personally think that if they're going to implement damage, do it to all the cars, not just the race cars. Sure, you will not be able to damage the cars to a certain extent due to licensing restrictions on the road cars but at least have all the cars be balanced in every single aspect.

Maybe it has been covered before on how this would work and I missed it but I honestly don't see how it will work if someone decides they want to race a road car against an all out race car. Someone enlighten me?
My question is how are they going to implement damage to the race cars only but not road cars? This would mean that the road and race cars would have to be kept seperated on all types of racing, even multiplayer races.
You raise a good point, Quiet_Storm.

I believe you may be correct, that both cars would have to use the same features, but if not, PD would be the one to find a way to get it done.


The only way I could see it is if they included a seperate championship mode where you raced in only racing cars and had damage in just that mode. That way they'd still keep the race cars in the GT mode but everything in the GT mode should be even across the board, so no damage for any of the cars, or damage for all of the cars imo. Since they can't get the licenses for visual daamge, they should at least model mechanical damage imo.

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