Damn!! My computer has a virus!!!

What the ****?! My computer just got hit by a virus! The name of this virus is W32. Welchia Worm. It is one of those viruses that deletes files, makes computers have instability, and compromises computer security, making them vulnerable to hackers and other viruses. Nooooo!!!! How do I take this goddamned thing out of my computer?!?!?! :mad: :banghead: :mad: :banghead:
Originally posted by hanker
I also suggest kepping your anit-virus right up to date
Yeah, AV software is only as good as its last update. Just because you have an antivirus program, doesn't mean you're safe. It needs to updated virtually every day.
Basts. I've got the welchia worm too. I just installed Norton AntiVirus and it found it, I'm resolveing the situation now.

Man, show me where these people live and I'll show them an alternative use for a baseball bat! Gits!