Database of cars, a website... OPINIONS!!

  • Thread starter xero18
Hello, I am going to build a website that's going to hold pictures of cars. I am mainly going towards only putting in rare and unique cars, but if I do get enough responses I may put in others.

So please, I need your opinions on what to do. I am going to make links on the left and then organize the pictures as I have the arleady. The Mercedes F400 is clickable so that you can see more pictures of that car, is that a good idea? Please, reply with your opinions on if this is a good idea or if I should just stop right now.

Thanks for your time, oh yeah the URL is...
  • Bigger pictures
  • Never use Times New Roman unless a formal site
  • Create thumbnail images and link them to the full size images. This saves download times. To create a thumbnail, open up an image editing program and resize the image to about 100x100 pixels and save it with a different filename.
Thanks for the tips. I'm going to thumbnail the images.

Why shouldn't I use the times new roman font?

And, that's what I'm going to do.

Thank you so far. Tomorrow morning I'm going to work on the site and make links and such.

You seem like a knowledgeable person, how should I go about organizing the site. Like can you help me out and give me topics? For example, Mercedes, Future Cars, Cadillac, topics like that, can you help me out? Thank you.

What the? :odd:
Wheel wells need to be smaller, and the wheels need to be bigger. Other than that, thats a tight ass car.. Looks like a dodge-style mustang, judging by the front grille...
Originally posted by xero18
Thanks for the tips. I'm going to thumbnail the images.

Why shouldn't I use the times new roman font?

And, that's what I'm going to do.

Thank you so far. Tomorrow morning I'm going to work on the site and make links and such.

You seem like a knowledgeable person, how should I go about organizing the site. Like can you help me out and give me topics? For example, Mercedes, Future Cars, Cadillac, topics like that, can you help me out? Thank you.
Just one tip, when you resize the images make sure you have the Constrain Proportions option checked for Photoshop or Maintain Aspect Ratio of... for Paint Shop Pro. This stops your images looking crap when you resize them.

Times New Roman looks ugly on websites and nearly everyone would agree. It makes the website look like a quick 5 second whack-together-job if you get what I mean. Use fonts like Verdana, Tahoma or Arial at a size of 2 or 1.

Topics? :confused: You should catagorize your images by manufacturer like Acura, Buick, Cadillac, Dodge, etc if that's what you mean.
Actuslly, xero, if you give me some credit on the site, I would design a layout for you. You would have to do the rest of the coding but in my spare time I could design one.
KosmikFool - That would be great! When can you do this for me? Contact me by e-mail or just post back right here, thanks. PM me for my e-mail.
Why would he need to do the coding? You can code a webpage in Dreamweaver for him and send him the HTML files. Then he can just edit the body tags and stuff to add what he wants.