DAY/NIGHT Cycle Idea for GT5

  • Thread starter rofajole
United States
Porto, PT. Now in NJ, USA
So a couple of days ago I was going through the internet and a lot of people want Day/Night cycles in GT5 and I thought it was cool. So I had this idea. What if PD would put Day/Night cycles depending on the time of your location. Like using the PS3's clock, or whatever it is called, and using it in real-time with the game

What do u guys think of that??
You just haven't thought that through.

What about the folk who work all day, come home to have/make their dinner, then do the neccessary household chores before finally getting an hour to play GT5, but it's dark outside by then, so all their gaming will be in the dark/at night.

So, no, I think that's a rubbish idea.
It's an idea, but as daan said a bad one. It would be a neat gimmick to be able to choose to race a track in whatever conditions (time wise or better still time an dweather wise) as the real world location but only as an option. I would hate for the game to have a day and night cycle but to only experience tracks in one or the other.
It would be cool as an option for free racing, but I think we should be able to choose the time and weather conditions for free racing if we want. And I think all Events should have preset conditions for both the starting time and the weather.
I think it should be as in GTA but more realistic of course (one hour in game should be one hour IRL). So if you have played the game and the in game time is 2:05 PM, then shut the game down the next time you start the game the time should still be 2:05 PM in game. Though the time should not be different depending on wich track you go to because then some tracks may be dark when you wanna play them.

Then the weather cycle should depend on wich track you are at. For example Silvertone may have rain pretty often and Bahrain may have sunshine most of the time.

EDIT: Changed my mind I think. Maybe it's best if the time is around 1:00 PM or something every time you start the game!
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I think it should be as in GTA but more realistic of course (one hour in game should be one hour IRL). So if you have played the game and the in game time is 14:05 PM, then shut the game down the next time you start the game the time should still be 14:05 in game. Though the time should not be different depending on wich track you go to because then some tracks may be dark when you wanna play them.

Then the weather cycle should depend on wich track you are at. For example Silvertone may have rain pretty often and Bahrain may have sunshine most of the time.
I like this idea. It would be cool for online events. But for single-player events and license tests, I still think the weather and time should be preset by Polyphony. Otherwise you might just have to wait until the weather gets better and it turns to day in order to make an Event or license test easier or even doable. Events designed to be raced under normal conditions would be too hard under adverse conditions, and ones designed for adverse conditions would be too easy under normal conditions.

But for free racing (and custom online races), you definitely should have the option for changing the weather and time as you please. That way you can practice certain conditions no matter what.
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I think it would be a good thing to have, especially if the season was taken into account so the races might be icy on a cold autumn morning, or the track stays warm for longer during the summer. this would also mean it gets dark later in the summer, gets light earlier in the winter, higher risk of snow and ice in the winter, rain and thunderstorms in the summer (if its England...), and so on.

It would be awesome, but you should be given the choice, or have some races with standardised weather and some just randomised or dynamic real-time.
I think it would be a nice idea,but only in endurance races...
for all the short/normal races it would be impossible,as DAAN rightfully said,because its different time for people around the world,and if you work all day you would only race in the dark!!

this issue whas also discussed here about the real time weather effects...this would also be a problem if i want to drive for example at a north european track during fall and winter...rain all the time:ouch:....

anyway,for the night /day issue,during 24hour races it would be a fantasticly cool and realistic sensation and i would be happy if PD did this...👍

so,if they would put it as an option for short/normal races(like on or off)and imply it in all endurance ones...i think i will happy...:)

24 hours races should have the night and day cycle :) I also want other races to be night races, but I don't want the time to be related in anyway to what time it is in the real world. It would be very annoying for people who race at a certain time of the day if their favourite track is always dark :)
Great idea. How about weather as well.
What I'm thinking is say the location where you are racing/testing have weather and time packets downloaded in real time so its exactly how the conditions are when you choose the track.
You just haven't thought that through.

What about the folk who work all day, come home to have/make their dinner, then do the neccessary household chores before finally getting an hour to play GT5, but it's dark outside by then, so all their gaming will be in the dark/at night.

So, no, I think that's a rubbish idea.

Adjust playstations clock few hours earlyer and boom instead of night you got clear day.
I work in 3 shifts: 6:00-14:00(6am-2pm), 14:00-22:00(2pm-10pm) and 22:00-6:00(10pm-6am).
Yeah i know that the game would tell you that your time settings are incorrect but that doesn't slow you or me down.
Think about the Grand Theft Auto games and how time (and even weather) cycles. If anything, it should be more like rFactor in which races can be set at one time of day. You may even boost time by as many as 1x to 60x. In other words, that system allowed you to do a 24-hour race in 24 minutes! All the races will be held at certain times of day. You have to define what times define what sky settings there will be. Think of the Midnight Sun in some northern climates or (maybe) far southern climates as well. Think of how 24 Hours at Daytona is different from the 24 Hours at Le Mans (more nighttime at Daytona in late January or early February compared to more daylight at Le Mans in mid-June). This would have to facilitate a realistic cycle of daylight and nighttime all year round.

The first idea isn't very good. I tried this with "NCAA Football 2004." I set my realistic time to something similar to Japanese Time in which if it's 10PM CST (or 11PM CDT), a game I set up will take place at noon. I play games mostly at night. There's about a +12 time difference between Central Time and Japanese time. You even had to change the clock to Midnight to race against "Past Midnight Cinderella" in the earlier Tokyo Xtreme Racer games. So to your idea... not a very good one. And avoid using "u" to mean "you" and "ur" to mean "your." This isn't Myspace.
I would say that I'm a major supporter of Day & Night, Weather Effects or any combination off these. :D
The realism that would be added would be truly PHENOMENAL!!:dopey:👍
It would be like making a 'GT World', adding many more variables, Real life variables. Racing in GT would be incredibly advanced, I believe it would take Gran Turismo to the next level!;)
:):tup:Power to PD!!:)👍
Peace out,
Its a great idea (I posted about it a few months ago).

The people that are saying " I only play at night, I don't want to always race at night" , how often do race on a track that is in your time zone??

Just make it an option as well under driving options "Drive Current Conditions".
Or have an option to set what time you want the race to start, for example; 10am, 2pm or 6 pm. Most f1 races start at 2pm, Le Mans starts 3 or 4pm, depending on circumstances.
Overall, day/night is something I´d very much like to see, just as changing weather.
I still want time cycles. Just not really a fan of the initial idea in this thread.
I think the real time weather would be a great idea if it's do-able. However, the day-night thing would perhaps not be such a good idea - especially for someone like me who only gets to play after the kids have gone to bed and after flippin Big Brother has finished :(

It would maybe be a good idea for online races depending on the location.
I think I'd rather have time cycles in-race, but the races start at specific times, or, in a free-race mode, when you want them to. This way, you get the feel of starting Le Mans right as the race starts, then watch as things get dark, night falls, and morning breaks.

Might even be better for shorter races, like 500 milers at Daytona.
I think is a good idea to have day/night races and differents weathers, especially in endurance races!

One good thing is with the change of weather (sun to cloudy or cloudy to rain etc) the race will be more competitive, you need to go to pit to change tires, car setups etc...

Let see what PD have to offer.

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I think is a good idea to have day/night races and differents weathers, especially in endurance races!

One good thing is with the change of weather (sun to cloudy or cloudy to rain etc) the race will be more competitive, you need to go to pit to change tires, car setups etc...

Let see what PD have to offer.

I agree. Enduros with random weather would be awesome. Day/night i think is
an interesting concept but one difficult to implement. I can imagine leaving the ps3 on and leaving the room so that the time cycles to when I want to race :yuck:. Options would solve that but then it takes the unpredictability out of it all.
An option wich you decide of time/weather, and current time/weather would be awesome in my opinion and certain online race should always be set by PD
I would love real time weather/time of day. For all the people who say "I don't always want to drive at night," you won't because the time zones are different for a lot of the courses.

I am just thinking, PD could possibly add affects such as tires ware faster on a very hot day.
Well, one of the things mentioned in a past presentation regarding the next GT was stuff like temperatures, wind, and certain other factors. At least this year's Tokyo Game Show could give us any hints as to what PD may have planned as far as time and/or weather.
One thing is for sure. It's a must for PD to include this cycle system!

Take the 24h races for example. Doesn't it seem pretty cosy to drive the Falken R34 Skyline around the Nürburgring in the dark? :drool:

A more realistic touch to night cycles would be races specific to different time cycles during different times of the year. Consider the time cycles at the 24 Hours of Daytona vs. the 24 Hours of Le Mans. More daylight at Le Mans than Daytona since Le Mans is run in mid-June compared to late January or early February at Daytona. Do you think this could be possible should we get decent time cycles?

--- Some GT Observations on Time ---
I was playing Gran Turismo 1 last night and thought about something. You race at Deep Forest and High-Speed Ring in B-License tests in GT1. The times of day for some of those tests at these two tracks are held at different times of day. For example, you run... B-6 and B-7 in the early evening compared to an afternoon race. Deep Forest takes place at sunset, but tests B-3 through B-5 all take place in either late afternoon or early evening. Trial Mountain's demo video in GT1's Arcade Mode takes place in what looks like evening (or maybe sunrise).

Some of the license tests in GT2 even have taken place in different times of day. One of which are those circle track tests as well as some tracks with specific turns.

GT3 had an interesting system in which racing a track in forward or reverse has different times of day and different skies. Look at Deep Forest in GT3. You race around maybe Noon there, but a reverse race takes you into a traditional evening-time race. Same goes for Grand Valley Speedway. Special Stage Route 11 has a nighttime start in Normal, and it has a twilight setting similar to GT1's SSR11.

So you can say that different times of day aren't foreign in GT. They just need to find a way to make time changes possible so that we can enjoy racing in different times of day. This is even if we see an endurance at Special Stage Route 5 or Route 11 that starts at sunset and winds its way deep into the night. PD will need to harness the PS3's capabilities and try to make a sufficient time (as well as weather) environment model. I'm optimistic that PD can pull this off and with great success. Maybe you should be too if you're really excited about seeing something like this.

I still say that Project Gotham Racing 4 has about the BEST rain graphics of any racing game in history. Perhaps the key is that rain has accumulated on the cars unlike in most other games. That's a totally different topic from this one, but it all ties into a proper environmental engine.
So a couple of days ago I was going through the internet and a lot of people want Day/Night cycles in GT5 and I thought it was cool. So I had this idea. What if PD would put Day/Night cycles depending on the time of your location. Like using the PS3's clock, or whatever it is called, and using it in real-time with the game

What do u guys think of that??

I think PD mentioned that, That is why they put time and weather for each location. So yeh.
The would be awesome especially for endurance races! In my opinion it would be cool to have it realtime if you are in single player mode doing events and endurance races and such. It would be a blast in realtime there. BUT..... when in it comes to online I think that time and weather conditions should be up to the player to setup. Honestly it would be a blast to have that. It would make playing GT even more interesting!