DC vs GT6 : Comparing the Skyline Model

  • Thread starter TayeezSA
South Africa
So chaps,

As you already know, Driveclub was blessed with the R34 Nissan Skyline GTR V-Spec II this past week and it has been a stunner of a car.

Now today as I was mucking about with the car, I had the bright idea to compare the DC model of the Skyline versus the GT6 model.

You're probably thinking , "No, you can't compare GT6 to DC, they're poles apart, the PS3 is weaker than the PS4 etc etc etc..." You wouldn't be wrong but take it like this; GT6 car models are said to have over 500k polygons and are considered as some of the best in the industry, heck they're speculated to even be ready for PS4. Yet here comes along Driveclub with about 250k polygons and has eye-candy sweet looking cars.

Now the reason I'm posting up this thread is to compare the models between the DC one and GT6. Not so much the textures because it's pretty obvious that the current-gen console will beat the predecessor-gen one. This also isn't a heated debate (Heated doesn't bode well in the DC section of GTP.)

So without further ado, I've done a quick mock up of some pics with similar positions and similar lighting conditions (Except with the In motion one) so the comparison can be much easier.

Discuss away.







To me they're close but I feel the Driveclub one (Not to be biased) looks better to me. Plus it looks a lot cleaner.
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Good spotting chaps 👍 I've also found that the car in GT6 is chubbier whereas in Driveclub it seems a bit more toned.

Apparently the GT6 Skyline was modelled off of a scale model car. I dunno if that's true.

Upon further thought, I think I might compare some other cars. Maybe the F40, Evora and the like.
It's also worth noting that in addition to being last-gen, that Skyline model from GT6 is nearly 10 years old. It appeared in Prologue and doesn't benefit from any of the higher detail afforded to models new for GT6 that got to take advantage of adaptive tesselation. Still, it's very accurate.