DEAL - A Short film, featuring India's XUV500

  • Thread starter sheruken
Mumbai, India
Hello Fellow GTPlaneters,
I and my team we've made a low-budget (pretty much a NO budget) short film, featuring Mahindra's XUV500, a Cross-over Utility Vehicle from India.
It was made for the Mahindra Short Stories Competition:

DEAL - An entertaining Action/Thriller:

Mostly made for fun, without any professional help!
Hope you guys watch and like it on YouTube! :)

Also, it was shot at a Dirt Track and an Advance Driving School, that I own in Mumbai, India. Have set up a fantastic custom sim-rig with PS3, that educates novice drivers on GT5! Anyone here from In and around Mumbai, are more than welcome to come and try it.. :D
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JacksHerer! HAahaha..
You aint getting them back! lol..
Sorry! :P
But seriously, that bad?
We're pretty much in the top contender-ship for winning.. It's a $36000 car. That's not very cheap, but it's India's first attempt at a modern cross-over, so they're trying to market it in almost every way possible.. Pretty decent car, but can't be compared to some of the others available in the market for the price -
Also, you should check out some of the other films in the contention, they're all pretty much with the same quality of film-making..
We tried to do a professional job, but our actors ditched us in the end, so had to act myself! :P
After the disclaimer of stunt drivers, I thought ok, might have some action in it.
But no....

Watched a bit, to check your filmmaking, it's okay, though I might have not used that much of rewind, and a bit less warm image. Other than that it is quite good.
You're right, actually we did have some dirt / slush drifting and a lot a huge close-shave hand-brake turn sequence in the parking lot, but we had to edit it out on special instructions from the car manufacturer. We did think of removing the disclaimer, but then the high-way chase and the finale was done under open environment (basically not a controlled environment, done by professional rallycross driver, just so there are no mishaps, so we let the disclaimer be with an added note, "fast driving", as in India 80kmph is the fastest driving limit).

The rewind bit is a bit too much but had to keep it running for the Voice-Over to really tell you what's actually going on, before the poker scene comes on.. And the super saturated warm image look, is basically how almost all "bollywood" films look. And we did want to give that feel, as we are from "Mumbai"! :)

But thank you so much for your feedback, will definitely take it positively for the next short!