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what advantage does a sane person see in murdering someone when you will end up in prison for decades?Ghost CThere is proof, it's called logical thought. There's no way to statistically record it - As I said, you can't very well walk up to someone on the street and ask them if the death penalty deterred them from murdering.
However, logical thought tells us that a sane person would take into consideration the fact that they could be sentenced to death if they commit murder, and from that we can in fact draw the conclusion that a percentage of people who think about that - No matter how small the percentage - Would not commit murder, because of the death penalty.
Again I say, this has nothing to do with the topic, if you want to debate this, make another thread. You won't be getting any more replies from me about it here.
by the way, most murderers are not sane in the moment they act nor do they logically think about that they are doing, so they do not think about the death penalty before they act nor about prison.