
  • Thread starter bigmike04
What did everybody think of the second debate? Bush performed MUCH better. I have to say that I didn't think that he had it in him. Based on the level of improvement, I would say that Bush won, although I still think that Kerry had the better points.
I didn't watch it, but just read the full transcript of it at Have to agree with that Kerry had the better points. Both parties come across a bit lame when it comes down to complaining about the other's achievements. Bush plays it more on the man than Kerry, which doesn't make him look good in my opinion. In general I think Kerry's ideas make a lot more sense than Bush's, and certainly to me. If Bush came across better this time, it is because his last time was really bad, and he was more agressive this time. But being more agressive in this case apparently means more lame comments about voting records. I guess his appeal to certain voters lies in that he manages to oversimplify the world, which is comforting but ultimately helps little. I think Bush buys votes by giving people money through tax cuts and then making them believe it is not a loan that they have to pay back with interest.
It's funny to see Kerry bring up unrelated nonsense when he doesn't know how/can't answer a question. Kerry goes off onto another subject, babbles on about it, and then comes back to attack the president for not doing X, Y, Z, and never explains what he is going to do. I thought Kerry did better in the first debate than the second one, but fails once again.

Instead of creating another thread, we should keep it to this one:
I think Bush buys votes by giving people money through tax cuts and then making them believe it is not a loan that they have to pay back with interest.

I didn't think there were enough rich people to get him elected.
Bush gets too angry and stand-offish. He seems to want to fight all the time, both in these debates and on a global scale. I know the point of a "debate" is arguing, but being rude and "Texan" is not the way to do it. At one point he overrode the mediator in order to respond to one of Kerry's responses, which is not allowed, but hey, he's the Prez, he can do anything, right? A-hole.
He seems to want to fight all the time, both in these debates and on a global scale.
Has Bush passed Kerry's Global Test yet?

I thought Kerry was a big Massachusetts Liberal meanie. If I had to correct Kerry's false statements, I would interrupt the moderator too.
I didn't think there were enough rich people to get him elected.

He promised and delivered some tax cuts for John Doe - at least I heard Ledhed say he liked the taxcut. That tax cut for the 1% richest people in the U.S. is a different matter. I liked Kerry's comment on how turning that back would probably affect only three people in the debate room - himself, Bush and the moderator.
Edward C. Prescott, this year's Nobel Laureate in economics, who happens to teach at Arizona State University, host of tonight's debate, wholeheartedly approves of Bush's tax cuts, even saying more would be better.
Edward C. Prescott, this year's Nobel Laureate in economics, who happens to teach at Arizona State University, host of tonight's debate, wholeheartedly approves of Bush's tax cuts, even saying more would be better.

Be sure to read the full context, not just what you want to hear ... ;)
That tax cut for the 1% richest people in the U.S. is a different matter.

It wasn't for the top 1% and they provide lots of jobs so go easy on them.

I liked Kerry's comment on how turning that back would probably affect only three people in the debate room - himself, Bush and the moderator.

I thought it was rather rude to assume that everyone in the room made less money than he, Bush and the moderator.
Viper Zero
It's funny to see Kerry bring up unrelated nonsense when he doesn't know how/can't answer a question. Kerry goes off onto another subject, babbles on about it, and then comes back to attack the president for not doing X, Y, Z, and never explains what he is going to do.
That´s called politics.
if a business creates lot's of jobs, fine, give'em a little break. and stop taxing the hell outta the working class and start taxing some rich folks. If a business has there headquarters here, and has a bunch of 12yr old asain girls doing all the real work in Cambodia, you should tax the living daylights out of them for not creating jobs in America.
What is "working class"?

What is "rich folks"?

You throw these terms around like they have a meaning of their own, which they don't.
Now don't get me wrong because I really really want Bush to win, but John Kerry is going to win and has won every debate against Bush. He is a pro, he was on the debate team at Yale and it is just foolish to think that Bush will win a debate, he might do well but Kerry is going home with the big "W".
That is called style over substance. This election is a referendum on the intellectual integrity of Americans. If Kerry wins we know there is none.

But on the bright side, I have to leave work an hour and a half early today because Kerry is staying a couple blocks away and every route out of here will be closed so his motorcade can go to the debate.

Go Kerry!
If a business has there headquarters here, and has a bunch of 12yr old asain girls doing all the real work in Cambodia, you should tax the living daylights out of them for not creating jobs in America.

Ok forget about the under age part and step back.

Can you hear yourself?? This is rediculous?

You actually want that level of government control? You actually want to create huge penalties for finding less expensive ways to make products? That's good for the economy???

^^^ The book is called Basic Economics.