Delayed text input when typing & copy/paste


United States
United States
So I have this issue at work when I am using our administrative page (website back end) when I type or paste text into any of the search bars there is a delay in it appearing in the box. Once I even got a notice from Google Chrome that the website was unresponsive. I only get this on our website back end and nowhere else. Several people I work with have the same issue, but our local programmer is unable to duplicate it on his system.

Now, I am no programmer so I don't want to tell him he's wrong, but are there any other possibilities?
Laggy connections?

Demonstrate the problem to the programmer on your own machine, and/or have others having the same problem demonstrate it to the programmer on their own machines.

If (s)he's unwilling to do that, bring it to the attention of your supervisor.

Do you have any IT personnel other than the programmer?
I figured out it only happened when you were on a page that had a lot of part listings. Upon conversing with the programmer about how we can fix it, my boss butted in and pretty much said I was complaining so I just dropped it. Tired of the 🤬 bull:censored: there it's unreal. His wife helps run the company and I sent her an email about how I didn't appreciate his comments, blah, blah. In any case, I think I'm just going to have to deal with it.

Thanks for the help.