Deleting best lap times...

  • Thread starter 35mm


After spending an entire afternoon trying to get some good lap times at Tsukuba, I came across the "Best Times" menu and it was obviously full of lap times records with the same car.
But when I tried to delete some of them (to make room for slower cars lap times), I simply couldn't find a way to do it!

Am I blind or you just can't do it at all?
Yeah, I had noticed that too. Are you saying that once the times get full that none can be added?

BTW, I thought you would be making way for faster lap times, not slower ones!
Yeah, I had noticed that too. Are you saying that once the times get full that none can be added?

BTW, I thought you would be making way for faster lap times, not slower ones!

I said slower because I believe the best ones will always come on top of the list.

Imagine I have the times list full with Lancer EVO's lap times. If I make some laps with the MacLaren F1 those records will come on top, draging the EVO times out of the list (I'm just guessing here).
But I might as well want to keep a lap record with an Integra for example.

Thats what I meant.
i´m glad that you´re able to save the replays otherwise it´d be even more annoying! if PD don´t change this i´ll be pretty upset i tell you that much...
Ok Diabolical Mask ... I understand now.

I think that this may be a flaw or just an omission from the game! toler is right though ... you can at least save best lap replays.

The other point to note is that the lap times are automatically put up on the "Best Times" menu. E.g. If you go out and do ten amazing lap times in the BMW McLaren say on the Fuji Speedway then theoretically no other lap times will be able to be viewed as there is a ten best maximum limit and the BMW Mclaren will be in all 10. (Is the Mclaren the fastest round that track lol? I think it might be!)

Yep, it's annoying that you cannot delete best lap time in GT4P.

Hope this is sorted for GT4!

But then for that we have ... ;)

Why do you think I was practicing...? ;)
Unfortunately I can only play the damn game for 2 or 3 hours per week. Still I am very close to the majority of those times and I'm hoping to post some lap times there soon. :D

Anyway, GT4 will definitely have this problem sorted. It looks like there will be a "Hall of Fame" and everything.

Still this damn thing sucks! How could they forget that?!?