Democratic Road Rage

  • Thread starter Solid Fro

Solid Fro

I told you so.
I contemplated whether to put it here or in the Comedy Forum. I think I'll get more educated response toward the topic here.

Bumper sticker invokes road rage

TAMPA - Politics has always been divisive, splitting families and turning friend against friend.
This week, though, a Tampa woman learned that simple Bush-Cheney bumper sticker can bring trouble, if not danger, from a total stranger. Police say Michelle Fernandez, 35, was chased for miles Tuesday by an irate 31-year-old Tampa man who cursed at her as he held up an anti-Bush sign and tried to run her off the road. His sign, about the size of a business letter, read:

Never Forget Bush's Illegal Oil War Murdered Thousands in Iraq.

"I guess this was a disgruntled Democrat," Tampa Police spokesman Joe Durkin said. "Maybe he has that sign with him so he's prepared any time he comes up against a Republican." Police arrested Nathan Alan Winkler at his home on N Cleveland Street near Hyde Park within an hour of the incident. After finding the antiwar sign in his car, they booked him into the county jail on one count of aggravated stalking, a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison, Durkin said. He posted his $2,000 bond and was released early Wednesday, jail records show. This was Winkler's first arrest in Florida, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Winkler, listed in jail records as a contractor, could not be reached Wednesday. Durkin said Winkler told police officers he got upset with Fernandez because she "gave him the finger."

Fernandez told the Times Wednesday that "whatever gestures I made, I made them because I was trying to figure out why he was honking at me and pointing to his sign."

"At first I didn't know why he was screaming at me," she said. "Then it clicked."

In her frantic nine-minute call Tuesday to a 911 dispatcher, Fernandez said it was the Bush Cheney '04 bumper sticker on her green Ford Expedition that set the other driver off. "I was just almost run off the road by a man," she told the dispatcher at 5:14 p.m. She was taking her son, 10, and daughter, 3, to a ballfield. "He just ran me off because I have a Bush bumper sticker in my car. He had some type of - he drove up next to me with - he had a sign on it like hanging from his - from the passenger window, that said something about the war in Iraq. . . . I'm shaking like a leaf." Durkin said Winkler started following Fernandez at the intersection of Columbus Drive and Armenia Avenue shortly after 5 p.m. "He told our officers that he just got mad at her, so he went after her," Durkin said. As Fernandez drove south on Armenia, the other driver pulled alongside her in his black 1996 Nissan, beeping his horn and "flailing his arms," according to a police report.

He held the antiwar sign up to his passenger-side window, she said, following her along busy streets in south and west Tampa and veering into her path, forcing her to swerve to avoid a collision. She pleaded with the dispatcher for help and tried to get away by running through stop signs and changing directions. "Oh, now he's following me! I'm gonna get back on Kennedy now. I don't know what to do!" she told the dispatcher, her voice rising. At one point the man pulled his car in front of Fernandez's, got out and started running toward her, Fernandez told police. "He just pulled over next to me, he's stopping the car, it's ridiculous, this man!" she said. "He's running after my car. Oh my goodness, he's a fanatic, he's in the middle of the street!" She drove along Arrawana Avenue and Habana Street, then back onto Kennedy Boulevard, but she couldn't shake him, Durkin said.

"He's trying to hurt us. Look at this, what a moron," she said. "Look at him! . . . Idiot!"

The dispatcher told Fernandez to drive to the Tampa police office near Raymond James Stadium, but she drove instead to the ballfield where she had been headed with her children before the chase. She met with a police officer and carefully described the Nissan and its tag number, Durkin said. Officers traced the tag to Winkler, went to his home within an hour and arrested him.

"This could have been tragic, for her and her children and for other people on the road as this was going on," Durkin said. "But she did all the right things. She showed remarkable poise, she didn't engage him. She called us." Records show Winkler has been registered as a Democrat since 1996 and has lived in the Tampa Bay area for more than a decade. Calls to his home were not returned. Winkler's father, John Winkler, 59, of Safety Harbor, didn't know about the incident until a St. Petersburg Times reporter called him. He said his son, a Web designer, is "kind of a laid back guy." "That is so not like Nathan," he said. "I know that he is very anti-Bush. But I don't see him doing anything like that. He's certainly not aggressive. He's the least aggressive person I know."

Fernandez, too, is a Democrat. She has been a card-carrying party member since August 1988 - a few months before George W.'s father, George Herbert Walker Bush, was elected president. Members of Fernandez's family said they don't necessarily vote along party lines. Fernandez voted for Bush in his recent re-election bid, they said.
"I'm registered as a Democrat," Fernandez's mother Marie Fernandez said. "And I voted for Bush, too. Party doesn't matter."

"I respect him for having his beliefs and feeling so strongly," Michelle Fernandez said Wednesday night, her nerves still frayed. "But here he is protesting the war and lost lives, and he is going to put me and my children in danger? This man has a serious problem."

I wonder if the Democrats really have gone off the deep end? Forget politics, anyone who drives up to a person and starts yelling at them for the bumper sticker they have on their car, is insane.
Viper Zero
I wonder if the Democrats really have gone off the deep end? Forget politics, anyone who drives up to a person and starts yelling at them for the bumper sticker they have on their car, is insane.

Typical Democrat if you ask me -- no sense of self-control. :sly:

Seriously, that particular person deserves jailtime. It's one thing to voice your opinion. It's quite another to harass/abuse someone else because of disparate beliefs/ideologies.

I've been a registered Republican since -- 2004! :) My birthday was less than 2 weeks before the 2004 Presidential election -- I barely made it! :sly:

I have nothing against Democrats/Liberals/the Left whatever you want to call it etc. It's just that their ideologies don't match mine. ;)

Interesting fact... less than 10% of Black voters are registered Republicans. :odd:
(Thankfully, I am one of the <10% :))

Why do so many people (in general, not anyone specfic) register as Democrats? :confused:
Maybe some people just A) don't care or aren't as educated on what each party stands for. I'll PM you later, Bri.
Viper Zero
I wonder if the Democrats really have gone off the deep end? Forget politics, anyone who drives up to a person and starts yelling at them for the bumper sticker they have on their car, is insane.
Which party the harasser supported is irrelavant, this could have happened with the partys reversed just as easily. Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to prove their own point.
Which party the harasser supported is irrelavant, this could have happened with the partys reversed just as easily. Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to prove their own point.

You're absolutely correct -- so I'm going to have to prove my own point. When was the last time a Republican attacked a Democrat for being a Democrat? They don't call them "conservatives" for nothing! :sly: j/k

Look, I understand what you're trying to do. The fact of the matter is, this time around, it was a registered Democrat harassing a Republican. The bottom line: he needs some jailtime -- give him a few weeks to think about what he did.
I've been a registered Republican since -- 2004! :) My birthday was less than 2 weeks before the 2004 Presidential election -- I barely made it! :sly:

I've been a registered Republican since 2003, just three weeks before the governor recall in California.

Interesting fact... less than 10% of Black voters are registered Republicans. :odd:
(Thankfully, I am one of the <10% :))

Thanks for the link. Look at this interesting blurb (from History of Black Republicans link on the site):

Black Republicans

a term applied by southern Democrats in the years before the Civil War to members of the Republican party. Those who used this term intended it to be an insult, hoping that white Americans who felt racial prejudice toward African-Americans would reject the Republicans as too sympathetic to the slaves' demands for liberty and equal rights. They continued to use this term during the Reconstruction period to label Republicans who favored legislation and other government action to help the freed slaves.

After reading that, it seems ridiculous for Black voters to register as Democrat. It seems that much of the history has been forgotten about the political parties.

It would be an interesting topic to research why Black voters do indeed vote Democratic.
In my experience, the lefties are the ones always yelling at people, thinking that they will change people's minds if they can yell loud enough. Us right-leaning folks have common sense (which is why we're republicans in the first place) and know that we won't change anyone's beliefs by acosting them. Flame away.

On another note, just wait 'till 2008 when it's Dr. Rice running against that witch (with a "t") some people refer to as the junior senator from New York. THEN we'll see how many Black people are truly Dems, and how many (almost all, I suspect) will listen to the republican message when it is delivered by someone they can trust and respect. I also think the black vote would be at least equally divided between Republicans and Democrats if it weren't for the fear-mongering the Democrats engage in all the time.
Viper Zero
I've been a registered Republican since 2003, just three weeks before the governor recall in California.

Lucky you! That was a close call.

Thanks for the link. Look at this interesting blurb (from History of Black Republicans link on the site):

Black Republicans

a term applied by southern Democrats in the years before the Civil War to members of the Republican party. Those who used this term intended it to be an insult, hoping that white Americans who felt racial prejudice toward African-Americans would reject the Republicans as too sympathetic to the slaves' demands for liberty and equal rights. They continued to use this term during the Reconstruction period to label Republicans who favored legislation and other government action to help the freed slaves.

After reading that, it seems ridiculous for Black voters to register as Democrat. It seems that much of the history has been forgotten about the political parties.

It would be an interesting topic to research why Black voters do indeed vote Democratic

I have a few days off ( :guilty: :sly: ) so I will definitely be researching this topic.
In my experience, the lefties are the ones always yelling at people, thinking that they will change people's minds if they can yell loud enough.

I think that's why they call it a "liberal critique", as opposed to a "radical analysis". :sly:

Us right-leaning folks have common sense (which is why we're republicans in the first place) and know that we won't change anyone's beliefs by acosting them. Flame away.

Right-leaning folks have common sense, I agree, but people who are on the far right scare me. :scared:

On another note, just wait 'till 2008 when it's Dr. Rice running against that witch (with a "t") some people refer to as the junior senator from New York. THEN we'll see how many Black people are truly Dems, and how many (almost all, I suspect) will listen to the republican message when it is delivered by someone they can trust and respect. I also think the black vote would be at least equally divided between Republicans and Democrats if it weren't for the fear-mongering the Democrats engage in all the time.

That's funny (highlighted in red)! :lol:
Viper Zero
It would be an interesting topic to research why Black voters do indeed vote Democratic.

The short version goes like this: the civil rights act of 1964 cemented the black democratic vote (kennedy, a democrat was president). Even though there was no way in hell that the country as a whole would have allowed the civil rights act not to be created, JFK got credit for it because he was president, and thus courted a lot of black voters.

Interesting fact: In the house of representatives, Republicans favored the civil rights bill 138 to 34; Democrats supported it 152-96. In the senate, Six Republicans and 21 Democrats voted against passage.

They take credit because LBJ and Humphrey were the loudest voices, but many more democrats were against passage than republicans.

EDIT: people on the far right scare me too.
In my experience, the lefties are the ones always yelling at people, thinking that they will change people's minds if they can yell loud enough. Us right-leaning folks have common sense (which is why we're republicans in the first place) and know that we won't change anyone's beliefs by acosting them. Flame away.
No flames necessary, but some thorough reading of this board will prove to you that this just ain't so. It's pretty evenly divided.
Ah road rage, I remember this all to well during the election. I had my W 04 sticker on the rear window of my Blazer, which you know is an SUV. Well your tree hugging type disapporves of SUV because they are "gas guzzelers"...please :rolleyes:.

Anyways I had a few run ins durning the election of road rage and other acts of violence (well I guess you could call it that...maybe???) to my truck and my home.

First one is rather comical to tell you the truth, I was driving down a local 2 lane highway at about 5 below the posted speed limit, which was 55, since it was a long trip and I was keeping the rpms at about 2000 to save fuel. Anyways this guy in a Toyota Echo comes racing up behind me, well over the speed limit. He flashes his lights and honks, I was puzzled since it was a 2 lane highway and I was in the right lane. I ignored him and kept on cruising. Finally he shoots past me cuts me off and slams on the brakes, I jump lanes shoot past him and give him the one finger salute and go on my merry little way. About a mile later when we are entering a town knowing as Lapeer we stop at a light and Mr. Echo is next to me, I had my windows down since it was a nice day. Anyways he yells at me "You Mother Fin Bush lover and you God D*** Mother Fin SUV" and he ran the red light. I laughed till I cried after I saw a home made Ralph Nater sign.

Other instances was that I got my truck keyed in a parking lot and someone wrote on the dirt on my back window "Wash me you Fin Republican D***** Bag". But that was handled by the police and my insurence company and everything is good now.

I also got my yard signs stolen on numerous occansions, which I had no problem with but the bastards drove on my LAWN and I'm really protective of that.

Any ways I don't think all Democrats are like this but I get the idea many of them are, I know I wouldn't do thinks like this but I'm there are idiot Republicans that would do the same.
No flames necessary, but some thorough reading of this board will prove to you that this just ain't so. It's pretty evenly divided.

I do have to admit that since I have been in law school I have met a lot of nice Dems that can actually carry on an argument in a logical manner. In college (and everyday life sans GTP) I have experienced things that led me to post my last comment. I hope everyone realizes it was at least somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
Ah road rage, I remember this all to well during the election. I had my W 04 sticker on the rear window of my Blazer, which you know is an SUV. Well your tree hugging type disapporves of SUV because they are "gas guzzelers"...please :rolleyes:.

Are you saying that they aren't?
18mpg isn't bad. Anyways....

Registered Republican since 2003, I voted and campagined for President Bush. The coolest thing was I got to see him at a ralley in Pontiac back in October, by far one of the coolest things I've ever done.
18mpg isn't bad.

I have a car and I get worse gas mileage than you do. :sly:

SUVs are good. I just don't like their size. Take up too much space and they hog the left lane so I can't pass them. :grumpy:


Registered Republican since 2003, I voted and campagined for President Bush. The coolest thing was I got to see him at a ralley in Pontiac back in October, by far one of the coolest things I've ever done.

Another intelligent voter! :sly: A Republican just like me. :D
When you went to the rally, did you get the opportuinty to get close to him or did you just hear him speak?
No flames necessary, but some thorough reading of this board will prove to you that this just ain't so. It's pretty evenly divided.
I agree with Duke, that it is evenly divided most of the time. However, during the Presidential campaign, I noticed lots of harassment(like stealing signs) being reported on the news. All(of what I caught on the news) were by the Anti-Bush. :yuck:
They aren't. Planes, trains, 18-wheelers etc., all use considerably more fuel than SUVs.

Back on topic: What political party are you with?

They have a bit more utility than a family of three who just has to have an SUV.

Also, I am a republican. I'm just saying that common sense tells us that SUVs use a lot of fuel. The situation described could of course happen from any party, but right now it seems that in light of the war that is currently going on and because these democrats are opposed to said war, there's likely to be more of an emotional response coming from that side.
I have a car and I get worse gas mileage than you do. :sly:

SUVs are good. I just don't like their size. Take up too much space and they hog the left lane so I can't pass them. :grumpy:

Another intelligent voter! :sly: A Republican just like me. :D
When you went to the rally, did you get the opportuinty to get close to him or did you just hear him speak?

Ya but I have a Blazer a 2-door one at that so it's smaller then a Camry.

But ya I was pretty close, on the floor right by the stage it was really cool. Him and Laura were both there along with Colin Powel and a few big names in Michigan politics. Zal Miller was also there and I'm certian that guy is nuts. Oh ya Don King was also there for some reason, pretty cool though.

What got me about the rally was that there must have been 1000 protestors outside and they had tents up and looked like they had been there all day. Some guy even walked out in front of my Blazer while I was waiting in a huge line and held up a sign that read "You Terrorist". I was puzzled.
Ya but I have a Blazer a 2-door one at that so it's smaller then a Camry.

My car is 4 inches longer than an Escalade. :ill:

But ya I was pretty close, on the floor right by the stage it was really cool. Him and Laura were both there along with Colin Powel and a few big names in Michigan politics. Zal Miller was also there and I'm certian that guy is nuts. Oh ya Don King was also there for some reason, pretty cool though.

Cool. Colin Powell is the best! :D

What got me about the rally was that there must have been 1000 protestors outside and they had tents up and looked like they had been there all day. Some guy even walked out in front of my Blazer while I was waiting in a huge line and held up a sign that read "You Terrorist". I was puzzled.

They have no life is why.

I would have reversed the nozzles on the windshield washer jets and sprayed the guy. :dopey:
I just laid on the horn and when the guy didn't move, I looked out my window and kindly said, "Please remove yourself from the road, you are causing a traffic problem and a safety hazard. If you don't move I will contact the police." He move but yelled some obsence stuff at me, but I ignored him and just turned up the radio.
Zal Miller was also there and I'm certian that guy is nuts.

Man, Zell Miller kicks ass. He is only one of the few Democrats that actually make sense.

"This is the man (referring to Kerry) who wants to be the Commander in Chief of our U.S. Armed Forces?

U.S. forces armed with what?


He is also the author of the quote I have in my sig.
Oh there is no doubt I like the guy, I just think he's crazy. I can't imagine what the Democratic party thinks of him. I would actually consider voting for him if he ever ran for an office that I could vote for, that is if he was better then the other canidates. I don't just vote straigh ticket, I pick the best person for the job.