Dereliction in Boston


Staff Emeritus
United Kingdom
Edinburgh, UK

This photograph was submitted to a recent competition, the subject of which was "Dereliction". It was originally taken in Boston harbour, on Fuji Superia colour print film, but for the purposes of the competition, I scanned it and opened it in Photoshop. I checked all the colour layers, and converted it to black and white, mixing the layers to gain the best contrast, and also to bring in a tone of dilution to the tones. After this, I added some Gaussian noise to speckle the image, and thus to create the impression that not only was the subject of the picture derelict, but that the picture itself was derelict too, in order to inject an element of hope.

What do you guys think?
Looks good mate :thumbsup: It looks a lot older than it really is.. As if it was taken in the 1930's/40's

If it had the sepia effect on it,.it would look like a shot taken on super 8mm film..

Do you still have the original?..
GG: can you post the original for a comparison? Excellent shot, and great composure.

Wish I had an ounce of that talent with a camera.
