Design a Track/Track Development

What if you could desing your own tracks and watch them grow as you host events..? You could add stuff as your budget gets bigger, or companies show interest and make donations and so on... And, if online does become available, you could host online race series, or upload other people's tracks that you like... As an example, look at the progression of the Fuji track... Basicaly the same thing, only that you could start off as a short track, dirt track, or even a drag strip... Eventualy you could climb all the way up to International Grand Prix status. Maybe have development based on events held, or how many times it's been downloaded by people to their PS3s. I know it would add a lot of replay value as there would be virtualy no end to the track options. Simply provide a few (20 or so) large contryside scenes to use as a backdrop and you could make fairly realistic looking tracks.

Also, like in Project Gotham 3, you could have down town sections of major cities, focusing on main roads/intersections that you could use to map your own races a la New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong... When I saw that PG3 did this, it just became so obvious that this would be a great feature to add into this series. Even if they gave you the "normal" routes, say like New York, but simply allowed you to remove barriers here, and add them there to change them around a bit... It would make all the difference in the world as far as replay would be concerned...
I'd like to design my own track, but I don't think something like this will be included. I'd love to put my own town in there and race in front of my own house at 300km/h in a Bugatti Veyron or Dodge Viper, but that would take up to much space and time to program. With the PS3's power and the space on the BD I think they could include major cities and let you design your own track, but also include a ready-to-race track in each city for those that don't like to spend time on designing a track.
Only one purpose for me- Autocross. I am not a veteran of Autocross, but that's about the only way I'd enjoy such a track creation deal. There is a track you can make your own, and it's called Gymkhana. Race around it. Do a skidpad test. Do slalom. It's all there even if it isn't really a true, legit race track. I think we've covered this way too many times on GTP, and it doesn't seem to get old. Autocross is the only way to consider race tracks you can customize. Just make up a course by setting up cones around a certain area, and boom! Race track. Doesn't have to be big and fancy. This is about the only way I think ANY make-your-own-course deal will work and be appreciated by racing types.

If you want to push things a bit further, there can be certain areas closed off to traffic, or just completely blocked-off areas. Anything from the parking lot at a big university to a plaza can serve as home for a track. So many possibilities if you just think about how to design the course.

So, that's the only Design a Track I'd consider. Anything else, good luck trying to impress me.
Designing a track would be scrumtrelescent... maybee they could make it an add-on through your PC... design it on your computer and load it onto the HD... the PS3 is able to use a hard disk, is it not?
Even if it's just like the one they had for VRally 4... Even just for making point to point rally races, I think it would add a lot of reaply value. Or even like in Project Gotham 3, they give player a standard track set in a huge section of a big cities downtown... If a player wants to mod the track to their likeing, the simply click and drag one point and move it to another intersection and you now have a different corner. Do that enough times and you now have a newly modified track and it should look fine... PG3 looks great and they don't even have as much memory space as the PS3 wil have...
They could make it easier too. The ability to use sections of all tracks included, to "build" your own track with that, would also be somewhat nice feature. Imagine going from the Corkscrew (Laguna Seca) down to Nouvelle chicane and Tabac (Monaco), then you have Spoon corner (Suzuka) and so on.
It's not going to happen cause PD wants it to be realistic, and have lil 9 years make somthing that ould like somthing form Trackmania, i takes away all the realisim.
It would be cool if it did happen, I would love to recreate my hometown racetrack...
This is an excellent idea.

Even further, the ability to modify an existing track.

I know there are design editors you can download for PCs to create your own golf course (Links). Same principle could be used here.
It's not like ALL of the tracks in the GT series are real any how, so who's to say HOW a certain track is supposed to look. I could see if it was a game that involved exclusively real world tracks, only that isn't the case, so how is making a few changes, at least to their original tracks going to make it any less real, or fun for die hard racing fans?