DFGT Help !

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Hey guys today I got a DFGT. And I can't understand how to initate a drift or even keep a drift going. Can anyone give me some tips ? Thanks :)
Its all about practice.
Get a silvia s13. It may need a bit more power. Around 200-250bhp will do. I learned with TwinTurboCHs setup and learned to catch the drift first. Then learned how to hold it. It takes time
I'd say just turn in and power over and catch the countersteer at 1st and not worry about how to initiate, and with a car like Powell discribed you should get it pretty quick
Is the DFGT ok for drifting? I'd heard some people say that, of all the wheels, the DFGT was the worst at it but, not knowing anything about drifting, couldn't say.

I need to learn on the sly so that I can jaw-drop my friends when I overtake them sideways.