DFP and GT5/PS3

  • Thread starter z26runner
I am new to this site sorry if this was brought up already. I did search but with no luck. I am wondering if the wheel is going to be compatable with the new system?
Yeah, it should work great. Some PC games need to be tweaked to use it precisely, but since this is a Playstation console, I'd be shocked if it didn't work right. Not only that, but Sony would have about a million people rioting on their front lawn, including me!
i think it should have a clutch pedal and a H shifter (8 H shifter for the 7 geared F1 car!) and the clutch pedal and be activated and de activated to make it easier for people (like me!) who cannot use it due to the fact that they do not yet drive!
^using a clutch doesnt take long to get used to lol. it would be awsome especially with engine damage. even after years of playing LFS i missshift once in a blue moon.

often when battling someone in LFS i can actually tell when they miss shift and it just adds to the experience.
I see no H-shift, but I see wireless Bluetooth wheel (only wire is to the AC-power) with 900 deg, ff and respectfully better made. Clutch? Maybe. There has to be some key-selling-point beside (probable) Bluetooth.
A clutch shouldn't be required. I'm NOT looking forward to ANOTHER $200+ wheel controller in addition to a $350+ PS3 and a $50+ GT5.

You guys might be happy to play GT5 at a price of $600+, but that's you. :yuck:
Tenacious D
I'm NOT looking forward to ANOTHER $200+ wheel controller in addition to a $350+ PS3 and a $50+ GT5.

That's precisely why I think they'll continue support for the DFP. Sony knows that people who shelled out $150 for the last wheel aren't going to be happy at shelling out for a new wheel when the old one is so damn good to begin with.

Besides, we know that the PS3 has USB ports.. quite a few of 'em, in fact. While nothing's been confirmed, I think it's quite safe to say that the DFP will continue to be supported for PS3 games, even if someone does come out with a new wheel.

That's one less thing to buy for me, since I've already got one. :) (DFP, that is.. hehe).
Yeah, like Tenacious D and Jedi said, Sony must realize no one wants to rebuy another thing after a couple years. I wouldn't be happy about having to buy another if my DFP doesn't work.
Oh, I guess I'm just dreading the thought of some marketing knot-head at Sony getting starry-eyed at the prospect of making Gran Turismo 5 require a new DF Pro with a clutch. I don't doubt that at some point, Logitec will make a three pedal attachment, or possibly a full fledged full sized sterring controller with a configurable shifter with different plates, but I can't see such a prestige controller costing less than $299 at launch. And... you know, not many of us can just go blow that kind of money on an accessory.

Someday, yes, just not for a good while. My DF Pro is just dandy, and I'm not a drifting fiend.