DFP and the GTP5 demo - rumble too weak (not wheel feedback)

  • Thread starter nafai23
Is it just me or wouldn't it be nice if the wheel had more rumble effects? The force feedback(steering) is great with the wheel but when the tires skid or you hit a rumble strip it barely does anything at all.

As bad as the MS wheel is, with forza I feel like the rumble effect are more engaging while the force feedback of the DFP is 10X better than the MS wheel.

Just seems flat and rather boring. Accurate maybe......although when I have lost traction in a real car the wheel shakes quite a bit.
I remember the Dual Shock giving some nice rumble in GT4.

Is the G25 any better in this dept?
The G25 is excellent in GT4, and pretty weak in the GT5:P demo, as well as GTHD. I don't think they're nearly done with the force feedback support or bump-mapping of the tracks yet.
It is most likely the FFB, hasn't been developed yet, I wouldn't be too worried yet, we will most likely see FFB in prologue.
I was actually sitting down to start a similar topic but found this thread already here.

I too have found that the "road surface" and "car balance" feedback effects on my G25 are greatly reduced in GT5P. Rumble strips do almost nothing, grass does almost nothing, much harder to tell when the car is about to start oversteering, etc. In contrast, GT4 and GTHD both have excellent feedback (since Sony fixed the feedback issues in GTHD). Only the overall wheel weight seems to have been improved, and that only slightly. This is significant enough to greatly reduce the fun of the demo. So far, I find myself much more interested in playing GT4 or GTHD, which isn't a good sign.

Hopefully this is something they will fix in a future update. As it stands, instead of showing off the great new features of GT5, all this demo has done has worried me that GT5 might be botched. Hopefully that's not the case and I'll remain optimistic until GT5 is released. Still, this demo simply hasn't made me go WOW at all, and a lot of that is due to the lack of proper feedback effects.
Don't forget, the demo is just a game in progress. The fact that most features aren't developed yet, could mean that PD is going to develop new FFB, and other stuff. Not just update the GT4 features but start all over again.
You did experiment with the force feedback strength option? (if you're not sure, check the translations thread)

I only noticed that I thought getting hit by another car felt a lot more convincing, just like driving over grass (your car shake around a lot) and gravel is a lot harder to get out of these days. :D
You did experiment with the force feedback strength option? (if you're not sure, check the translations thread)

I only noticed that I thought getting hit by another car felt a lot more convincing, just like driving over grass (your car shake around a lot) and gravel is a lot harder to get out of these days. :D

Yeah, everything is set to provide the most feedback (no power assist, no steering assist, strong feedback). It is interesting that you're reporting increased feedback but others are reporting the opposite. For me, GT4 and GTHD had far better / more convincing feedback. Here's hoping they fix this issue with an update!
The Prologue DEMO feels much better with the G25 than with the DFP in my opinion... It's great to get to use the H-pattern shifter...
With my DFP the overall feedback is weaker than in GT4 or GTHD. I believe this is just an in-development thing.

I think Arwin means that the feel you get from grass and gravel is more realistic. I noticed that too, even if it was weaker than I expected.
I think Arwin means that the feel you get from grass and gravel is more realistic. I noticed that too, even if it was weaker than I expected.

Ah, see, that is a difference. On my system the weight of the wheel is actually a little stronger than in GTHD (but not GT4), but the feedback effects are totally unrealistic in comparison. The curbing, for example, does almost nothing, and even getting whacked by another car doesn't result in proper feedback.

I wonder if this issue is G25 specific. I'll hook up a DFP sometime soon and give that a try.
Ah, see, that is a difference. On my system the weight of the wheel is actually a little stronger than in GTHD (but not GT4), but the feedback effects are totally unrealistic in comparison. The curbing, for example, does almost nothing, and even getting whacked by another car doesn't result in proper feedback.

I wonder if this issue is G25 specific. I'll hook up a DFP sometime soon and give that a try.
Oh, I agree the rumble is very weak. But all rumble is FFB, and it is an overall FFB issue as the feedback in turning isn't as pronounced. I have the strength all the way on and it feels like GT4 on weak in the steering and rumble strips, grass and gravel are all extremely weak, but the effect itself feels more realistic, although weak.

The only strong feedback response I got was when I had gone off track and pulled back on in front of an AI car and he hit me on the front fender. The wheel spun almost all the way to the stop. Other collisions are not as pronounced as before, but I don't know if it is the fact that the demo has an obviously downgraded feedback system or if it is because the AI is doing a better job of attempting to not hit you. The collision physics aren't a huge improvement yet and that could also play into it.